
How to Write & Launch a Book or Product – The Principles of Athletic Strength & Conditioning Story

Principles of Athletic Strength & ConditioningMany strength & conditioning and youth fitness professionals talk about writing a book or producing an information product.  Most feel that they have something inside them that will make a positive impact on the world, so there is an internal desire to share that knowledge.  The problem is that most people get stuck way before the book/product gets anywhere near completion.

In this episode of The Impact Show, Jim Kielbaso discusses the process of creating and launching a book or product, and he goes into detail on how the most recent IYCA product was created.

The new IYCA book Principles of Athletic Strength & Conditioning took over a year to complete, but now that it’s available, it is definitely making a difference in the youth training industry.  With 17 outstanding professionals contributing to the project, PASC is one of the most comprehensive textbooks available on training athletes.  Getting to the point where the book could actually be offered to the public was a lengthy process that a lot of people can learn from.

Listen to Jim talk about the idea formation process, content decisions, author selection and coordination, editing, design/layout, printing, fulfillment, promotion, launch, distribution and all of the things that happen behind the scenes to make a book available online.

Whether you have a book or product idea or simply want to learn about the process involved in a product launch, this episode will open your eyes to the entire process.  Hopefully, this takes some of the mystery out of the process and encourages you to move forward with you big idea.

If you haven’t gotten a copy of Principles of Athletic Conditioning yet, click on the link or the image of the book above.

To listen to this episode of The Impact Show, click on the player below or listen on iTunes at The Impact Show Episode 39 – How to Write a Book or Launch a Product.


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