
The IYCA Changes Lives…

ICYA and the role it plays…

This world of ours is an amazing place, you know that.


When you stop and pay attention, you really see the wondrous nature of


I say that because I just got off the phone 2 minutes ago with a brand new



She joined our organization just two weekends ago after hearing my keynote

address at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp.


She was so moved with what I had to say and so incredibly delighted to see
a fitness organization that believed in personal contact and transparency
that she was compelled to join us on the spot.


She called just to tell me how much what I had to say meant to her.


That fitness was fitness and science was science, but the fact the IYCA actually
cares about its Members and creates an uncanny personal connection simply

left her floored.


While on stage at the Boot Camp and then later on that weekend in a closed
door session with IYCA Members only, I discussed personal matters related
to me and my life.


Things I have had to endure and conquer.


Life events that have shaped the man I have become.


And the ‘openess’ and candor of my speech created a stir of emotion in her.


So much so that she called today just to say ‘thanks’.


It seems that indirectly, I helped her make some decisions and validated
parts of her life that moved her tremendously.


Now this newsletter may sound ’emotional’ or even ‘sappy’, but it is who
I am.


It is what the IYCA stands for.


We couldn’t begin to positively impact things in the world of youth fitness and
sport training if we don’t unite, become a family and fight for a common good.


And that’s what speeches like the one I gave and newsletters like this are for.


To unite us.


To open myself and my heart up in a way that shows you I am a real person
and have created a real organization that you are PART of in every capacity.


It’s an honor to stand in front of IYCA Members and speak my mind.


Explain my thoughts on life as well as the practical aspects of training kids and
business development.


And no other organization in existence works as hard as we do to provide our
Members with as many opportunities as possible to connect with me or our
Executive Board on a personal level.


And your next opportunity is in a two weeks.


On Tuesday October 14, I will be hosting a Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist

certification seminar live at the Club Industry annual conference at the McCormick
Center in downtown Chicago.


As usual, IYCA Members come for free.


The very next day, myself, Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry will be available from
10am – 1pm for a ‘IYCA Mastermind & RoundTable’ session.


These are closed door events for IYCA Members only in which you can ask us

anything you want about training, business or success.


And of course…. We don’t charge for this either.


If you are a current IYCA Member, please don’t miss this opportunity.


The measures we take to ensure your success are only as good as your ability
and desire to take advantage of them.


All current IYCA Members can use the following link to RSVP –




Now, if you’re not an IYCA Member, the sincere question has to be asked…


Why not?


What could you possibly be waiting for?


The lady I mentioned above is named Liz and her life changed immeasurably in
one weekend thanks in large part to the IYCA and what we did for her life and career.


It’s time to see how powerful the IYCA is and what we could mean to you if you
would just take the step.


Non-Members can access this link to become part of our international family –




Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago.





7 Responses

  1. Erik Bartkowiak says:

    Your doing great things, the rewards will only get greater! Now that you are down south, how about a visit to the sunshine state, where the kids have every reason to play outdoors all day, and seem to manage to stay indoors more than kids from the northeast! We need more of your hard work down here! My doors are always open!

  2. Brian,
    When will you be in the New Englan area?
    David Walencewicz Windham Ct.

  3. Jim Blaz says:

    I am so glad to hear about your success with your certification. I am still trying to get to the level I, but my teaching schedulae a the college and my schedule with patients, does not allow me any free time during the week. Is there any way i could arrange a private meeting with you or your staff and pay privately to get the course material in order to get certified. I do very much wish to attain a level I certification.
    jim Blaz 815/578-1820 HM
    815/353-0627 cell
    815/479-7868 college

  4. erica says:

    Did you ever get my email about the little boy that played baseball and the thank you I sent for touching my life?
    A proud member IYCA

  5. Liz says:

    Brian is absolutely right and I’m quite honored to have spoken with him this afternoon! I have had mega changes happening in my life, not the least of which is dealing with the end of a toxic marriage and transitioning my three children and myself out safely and sanely. God has give me many signs to follow, all of which are things that instill great joy in me at the mere thought of them. One of those things was IYCA’s email about the Ryan Lee Bootcamp and its promotion with IYCA. It answered the concern I had about how to get certified -still working on that so don’t ask ;). In addition it also gave me less financial concern as it saved me $500. I am very grateful to IYCA and Ryan Lee for their generosity and kind support to their members. I know for a fact that both camps, so to speak, are highly respected in the fitness community. I even called three trainers who didn’t know me just to get their takes on IYCA and Ryan Lee’s Bootcamp. They were overwhelmingly full of praise. I was convinced I made the right move and feel ever stronger for it! So, if you’re not a member now, you REALLY ought to consider. 🙂

  6. Dave Gleason says:

    Brian you touched many people that weekend in a big way. I appreciate you taking the time with me as well to discuss my vision for a special segment of the youth population. It is a blessing to be associated with you. I would love to set up another time to chat!

  7. Brian,
    I just got off the phone with Pat Rigsby and discussed some things with him about what I could possibly do to partner with the IYCA. When I met you in person at the boot camp last weekend, it was certainly something that I will never forget. Your ability to be transparent and your stand in the world is what has drawn me to this organization in unparalleled ways. I remember coming up to you and thanking you during the “speed coaching” lunch session and telling you how I feel an instant connection to your teachings, how you think and what the IYCA stands for. I am SOO proud to be a part of it, and so excited about sharing the IYCA to all of my clients and athletes that step foot in our facility. I believe in your mission and in what you represent in the fitness community and couldn’t find a better group of people to want to be a part of than you. Thanks for all you do. Thanks for what you stand for. Thanks for sharing the way you do. In fact, it’s the only way people will understand the magnitude of our youth obligation. It’s an honor to be in your circle.

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