
The Economy, Fitness and You

Tell me what’s been going on with you in the middle
of this global concern.


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20 Responses

  1. Donovan "DFitnessguy" Owens says:

    Well, first I would say that I understand people’s concerns about the economy. I think it’s a very real concern.

    On the other hand, I truly believe that the level of effect that the economy has on you will hinge on your mindset.

    I raised my price of my monthly boot camp membership this year by 30 buck and have had a increase in membership by 40 members since January.

    Sure, I’ve also had a few clients who didn’t feel they could continue due to their husbands losing jobs or having their hours cut but my business has grown tremendously in the last 4 months alone.

    I agree with Ryan above. It’s about being remarkable and giving people what they want…with heart, soul, passion and energy.

    You MUST ALWAYS keep doing what you believe in…ALWAYS!

  2. Armand Chéry says:

    I must admit last year around October and November I was getting nervous. I know this may sound strange, but the state of the economy has forced me to be more creative than ever. As a result, I have more clients now than ever before. I have dropped my prices a little to attract more customers, and I have market myself more. If I can do it, anyone can. Brian, it was nice to see you two weeks ago in Boston great presentation as always. Keep up the good job.

  3. Kevin says:

    I am going to be a HS PE teacher next year. I need more stability.

  4. Rob says:

    The economy has not affected me in my family in a negative way because we refuse to participate. What I mean my that is we are not depending on the government to do anything for us. If anything its opened doors for me and my family for us to prosper!

  5. Ryan says:

    As the fitness director at a multi-purpose health club I am experiencing a few trainer seeking employment outside of the industry to have a more stable income. I also have had a couple trainers leave to pursue their masters degrees. Business is a little slower, but true champions will rise to the top and come out the other side and be further along because of it. I never see doing anything other than fitness, so I challenge myself and my staff to be REMARKABLE!

  6. pat elias says:

    the economy has not affected me or my wife. we both work at busy hospitals and there is plenty of work -trust me. i know others are less fotunate. what i chose to do was work with some of my sons basketball/footbal teamates for free.some would laugh at that , but i feel its the right thing to do.

  7. I live in Michigan where the recession started in 2004. After this year, the economist say that Michigan will actually be classified as going through a Depression. So living in the Detroit area, I’m at the epicenter of this whole thing.

    But, I started my fitness business in 2005. I’m expanding it this year. Every year since I’ve started it, I’ve seen the number of clients increase, and my revenues increase, and this year is probably going to be the best year on record so far.

    It’s not that difficult to get people to continue to buy your services and I think it comes down to two things:

    1. Make it affordable. Try switching things up where you make it cheaper for individuals, but can train more people at once in order to bring in the same revenue.

    2. The most important thing: QUALITY. Not only is my business expanding but, I’m keeping a lot of my current customers, and they are bringing their friends. People don’t mind spending when money is a little short (and I would say 1 out of 5 people in my classes are currently unemployed) but, they aren’t just going to throw money at something for no good reason. You have to make sure the service you are providing is at the highest of standards.

    Things will turn around in a few years and I’m determined to keep this going because if I can start a business and keep it afloat through the worst economic times in 60 years, then it should be smooth sailing when things start to upswing again.


  8. RYAN says:

    I’m not naive to the economy – I know it’s hard out there. But, I’ve remained responsible to the people that matter the most: myself and my family. The last five months have been my busiest in the last several years. I refuse to let everyone else’s perspective influence what I’m able and going to achieve. I don’t remember who coined the quote but it is powerful: “It doesn’t matter what’s going on out there… all that matters is what’s going on between you ears”.

  9. Jamie Vanderheyden says:

    The economy has had an impact on all of us in various ways, some more than others. However, there are two things you should never sell yourself short on. 1)Finances 2) Your health. Since we have been side swiped and #1 is off kilter ,lets focus on #2. The fitness industry just needs to find the way to convince the public that #2 needs to be #1 now. Its a challenge, but it can be done. Times of struggle bring out the true fighter in all of us.

  10. TJ Byxbee says:

    The economy has definitely affected my business. I made the choice last summer to leave an unfullfilling position as a trainer in a country club setting to start my own business, Mission Possible Fitness. Many of my clients did not follow me in the transition and there was quite a bit of blacklisting that went on and still continues, so I’ve constantly had to re-invent myself and move into outdoor boot camps, corporate wellness programs, and more. I’m getting ready to launch a Ladie’s Kettlebell Clinic at our Polo Grounds in Sarasota- a smaller turnout for what I’m offering, but I’m not giving up.

  11. Shannon Wallace Jr says:

    The economy has affected my business some. I shifted my focus and realized that many families will do for their kids before themselves. So, most of my new clients have been youth athletes. I have had a lot request because of rising college costs and parents would rather make a few thousand dollars investment to help get tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship money for their student athlete. Win/win because I enjoy this group the most.

  12. Vince says:

    I work at Fitness Club as a Trainer and the Economy has hit me a bit in clientelle. I’m trying to do some workshops for the members in hope of getting more client and outside of here I’m going to start the Youth Fitness Specialist certification so that I can further my career.

  13. Liz Donnelly says:

    The economy has, if anything, forced me to be creative. I have dropped most of my personal training services (it’s too expensive for me and for prospective clients). Consequently, I’ve been teaching bootcamp style morning classes since October. The participation has gone down since March; however, I’ve begun another class later in the day and I’ve steadily added people. For any current members who have told me that they cannot come back b/c of finances, then I invite them to attend the class ongoing for free because their health is important to me. In the midst of a divorce, home refinance and single parenting to three kids, I have done little things to move forward and am laying the groundwork for bigger/better awareness and publicity-building strategies. What is more, I’ve contracted with the local rec department to start the only summer and after-school program of its kind in my city promoting fitness to kids ages 6-13. Economy shmeconomy. It’s all about how you choose to handle whatever challenges face you.

  14. Tarvin Durbin says:

    I say that if you listen to all the politics out there and continue to follow the news, and what everyone else believes to be true, then you are just asking for everything to go downhill fast for you…You need to stop listening to all of that crap and pursue your own dreams and visions and not look back…There are many people out there, especially in the fitness industry who have not let this beat them down…In fact they are actually thriving and doing quite well “despite” what all the “so Called” experts are telling us…It’s also that most of us also make more than the “so called” experts working our regular jobs…

  15. Jack says:

    Thanks for the follow-up call after the February Summit. I really enjoyed meeting you, up close and with a personal handshake. The opportunity to attend the summit was very rewarding. The speakers were all outstanding in their presentations…I gleaned a lot of useful information. When’s the next one? 🙂

    I’m looking forward to moving forward with my own fitness training in preparation for the 09′ National Senior Olympic Games in San Francisco this summer. I’ll be competing in the 100, LJ and the TJ.

    Furthermore, I will be conducting some personal training as well as directing my youth summer track/field development program. In addition, I still desire to coach track/field at the collegiate level and I’m currently applying for several openings in the fields of youth fitness and/or collegiate coaching.

    God bless you as you continue to spread the word for youth fitness world-wide.

    Keep your head to the sky and your eyes on the prize.

  16. Jackie says:

    As both a fitness trainer and nutritionist for many years, I see the tremendous stress on recovery, immune issues, and, thankfully, willingness of my clients to share and tackle health issues and habits that they have not previuosly been willing to address. The reasons for working out have transformed from cosmetic, to life-changing commitments. This has lead me to apply nutrition, supplements, and workouts that are regenerative in nature, as well as challenging!

  17. Ryan Kollock says:

    I have been personal trainer for 12 years. I felt part of the economic meltdown in October and November, but since then, business has been picking up and doing better than ever. I have been transitioning out of one on one training into small groups. This lowers the entry barrier and allows me to help and influence more people as well as grow my reputation exponentially. I don’t know, but I think this is going to be the most productive year in fitness thus far. Keep changing lives!

  18. Joanne says:

    I started my fitness coaching business approx 7 months ago just as we were being told about the bad economy. My business has grown so quickly. I have approx 50 active clients and I live and work in a very small country town with the lowest economic socio status in the state. I have even just started fitness camps for kids and have 20 straight up enrolled in my first course.
    Provide great individual service, develop great relationships with your clients and over deliver every day is my motto. The motto I have my clients live by is No Excuses-Just Results.
    They cannot afford to not look after themselves.

  19. David Sampson says:


    I opened Athletic Element in Pittsburgh, PA 9 months ago. Our center is based on our shared beliefs. We work on the 8 “elements” that make a developmental athlete better: Strength, Speed, Agility, Balance, Stability, Mobility, Flexibility and Positive mental approach. Our program met resistance for 2 reasons. The economy and the egotistical head coaches belief that their “strength program”, which only included hitting the weight room unsupervised, and lifting too much, too heavy, too often, was working. Our program is showing dramatic results 24-30 sessions in for our athletes. Using the same fundamental belief of a program that uses relative body weight first, stability exercises for the core, hip and shoulder pre-hab, dynamic warm-ups, a linear or lateral lesson, and static stretching at the end of an hour long session, progressing at the indivioduals rate, has blown away the others. In the last 2 months we have been assessing 4-8 new clients per week. We have been educating parents about the proper way to coach athletes and to break the mold here in Pittsburgh. There is a distinct difference between training and coaching. We say we are school for the body. You and I are on the same page regarding young developmental athletes. Thank you!

  20. Eric says:

    Try recommending some sites besides your own…other people have good ideas out there too

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