During the ‘Activation/Torso’ portion of my training session.
That’s when I do it.
I literally walk around and chat with each athlete while they go through their
basic activation or torso drills.
And that’s where I ascertain and mentally plot the session.
Have a look –
It never stops amazing me how often I see coaches and trainers discussing
the finer points of making young athletes and general kids fitness better, but only ever focus their
conversation on things like speed training techniques or set and rep ranges.
COACHING and COMMUNICATION are the real keys to
Developing a system of training that works and then understanding how to
effectively implement it.
That’s what makes a great coach.
And not surprisingly….
…. Great athletes.
In Complete Athlete Development I took the time to create both for you.
My template complete with a training system that involves 5 separate categories
in a given session along with every instruction imaginable on how to implement the
entire program effectively.
Have a look at Complete Athlete Development through the link below and see for
yourself –
Complete Athlete Development – Click Here