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3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Fitness Business this Summer

Growing Your Business this Summer

Step outside and take a deep breath…hopefully you are getting the first sniff of that summer air. Then it hits you. This is the time of year where all craziness breaks loose.

You know what I mean. Routines are on the brink of being completely thrown out of the window and your beach-going clients and vacation craving kids leave your facility, making it look like a ghost town. Or maybe it is quite the opposite.

Either way, this time of year is a time of opportunity and growth for any performance trainer.

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Business this Summer

Option #1: Host a Summer Camp

friends-1084598_640Now this one may seem obvious, but I wanted to throw it out there.

Hosting a summer camp is a great way to keep your programs exciting. It isn’t out of the question to earn $10k+ in a week of summer camps, if done right.

Check out our Camp & Clinic Checklist to get started today.

Option #2: Be a Guest at a Summer Camp

This is a favorite. Guest speaking and attending summer camps in your area not only builds relationships, but it is a networking opportunity that can’t be turned down.

You don’t have to recreate the wheel. Be a guest at a sport-specific camp and provide them with a multi-sport training approach. It is a Win-Win for all!

Pro Tip: Start researching local camps now!


Option #3: Host an Event

Hosting your own event is a great way to get the old and the new through your doors. Think outside of the box:

  • A summer camp or clinic
  • Take a trip with your athletes
  • Bring in special guests
  • Host a day of fun that will provide parents with a day that they don’t have to worry about childcare

Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” 

No matter which option you may choose (one of the above or something else!), try something new this summer to grow your fitness business.

Want to Minimize the Work in Planning for Camps and Clinics?

Some people may enjoy the novice approach of figuring out on their own, and that’s ok! But if you want a tried-and-true system for planning a camp or clinic, download our FREE Camp & Clinic Checklist today to help you get started.

Download FREE Checklist