
Post IYCA Summit Surprise

"What can you guys do, from Head Office, to improve society’s recognition of the IYCA"


That was George’s question to me.


What can I do from my end?


How can I make it so that every parent and coach in your area has heard of the IYCA and understands that your credentials with us mean that you are one of the best in the world.


I’m going to be reading your comments very carefully…


… So be sure to leave one below…


– Brian


P.S – Would you like to earn our ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ credentials for only $14.95 down?


Click here to find out how —-> https://iyca.org/fitspecialist1-trial



12 Responses

  1. Shawn Sherman says:

    An idea to grow the recognition of the IYCA would be to have all/interested IYCA Certified professionals put a monthly dollar amount into a fund that could at some point in the future be used to place ads in national publications such as SI, Sporting News, ESPN the magazine, various parenting magazines, etc.

    Even a small $10 – $20 contribution a month multiplied by the number of those certified could quickly become a big number. 12-24 months out and that number is in 6 figures. A decent sum to place some ads.

    Maybe all members that contribute could be listed on a separate website or a special “find a IYCA certified coach” page of the existing site? That way, $ contributions wouldn’t be required, but those that do contribute will receive some benefit by being easily found on such a page.

    Boy, I better get certified myself! 🙂

  2. Bill says:

    Dear Mr Grasso
    I’ll start by saying what IYCA has done is impressive and it is evident there is an abundance of passion and dedication driving your mission. The education I have received from IYCA is priceless
    If, in my opinion, IYCA is to grow and reach out to the community and reach it potential and full impact it has to be bigger than Brian Grasso. It is clear IYCA is your organization, with your people and you know the best gurus in the industry. Every successful organization demands leadership. You’ve clearly provided this but to get to the next and highest level, if you truly desire this, the IYCA has got to be bigger than you.

    For instance, have you ever written an email or paragraph regarding IYCA and not use the word “I” ?

    When it becomes about the people in the Head Office less and more about the grass roots and people supporting the head officeblayne then all schools, communities and sports organizations will not only know of IYCA but will follow the organization.
    The work IYCA has done is incredible and I am very fortunate to have learned what I have and it has made me a better coach and instructor.
    Keep up the great work. The young athletes and non atletes and their coaches need it.
    Bill Brown

  3. Melvin Cobbs says:

    I just became a member of the IYCA. I took advantage of the summit offers and orded the Youth Fitness Specialist Level I, and the Kids Fitcamp package. I think one way the IYCA could get parents and coaches to understand the importance of the IYCA and it’s certifications is to provide everyone with a IYCA certification a landing page that they can promote to parents and coaches.

    The page would be different from the main IYCA home page. It should be information based and have the ability for both the IYCA and the certification owner to get leads. I also think if there were a power point templete and sample topics on the IYCA members site that would help guide members in the right direction when hosting clinics or speaking to a group of parents or coaches about the benifits of getting instruction from a IYCA trained professional.

  4. Nelson Morales says:

    Hey Brian,
    Why not get some free exposure now? BJ had a great idea for getting all the bootcamps around the nation together and doing a day of boot camps and donating for a worthy cause to the American Heart Association. Why not getting together all the nation wide youth instructors and doing a free day and donating toward a youth obesity charity or something along those lines. Can get all the local news stations to get involved. That would get some publicity going.

  5. Nicolas Roy says:

    To get an Internationally recognized organization, we need to create a buzz. How is it possible to do this? First of all, in my opinion, I think that we shoudn’t try too much to reach parents or coaches by traditional maketing on TV. The too formal “Pay and pray” marketing message doesn’t stick with the too relationship oriented organization that the IYCA is for this type of marketing.

    Every organization, country, civilization grows or collapses by the inside and not the outside. So we should bring the IYCA message to the parents, therapists and coaches by creating a presentation on the advantages of being coached with this philosophy. This standardized presentation would be available to the IYCA members (coaches) who already have gained confidence, trust and credibility in their own area. Word of mouth marketing is much more powerfull than publicity.

    Of course, this idea requires proactivity from the members, who would present it to their community, but with the leadership and inspiration that the IYCA directors and members are creating, this challenge should be won!!!

    Another idea to create an inside buzz could be to create a periodic magazine.

    Have a nice day!

  6. The best way, I believe, is by BUILDING BRIDGES. This means working with other national organizations that have like goals of improving the lives of children.
    There is an old story that I would like to share with you. The Baroness de Rothchild was talking to her four sons who were going to be taking over the family business. She picked up ONE stick and broke it in half, then she picked up TWO STICKS and with a little more effort broke them in half. then she picked up THREE sticks and with more effort she broke them in half, lastly she picked up FOUR sticks which she could not break in half. The point was there is more strength when people or organizations work together, rather then operating alone. There is power in numbers.
    The second way to figure this out is to take your group and have a “brainstorming”session. Write down everything that is suggested, going around the group several times and then voting on the best two or three ideas to try.
    The P.E Teacher

  7. Dave Gleason says:

    As I mentioned in my opening remarks, members of the IYCA in conjuction with “the Head Office” have the obligation, dute and honored responsibility to stand for our cause. We need to champion the kids we work with and strive to reach the kids we don’t. One child at a time.

    Buidling bridges with other organization is important – yes. So is taking the torch and carrying it with pride to show the fitness industry, the world what our mission is and ask them to join.

    The ethos has been laid out. Now it needs to be carried out. As long as the IYCA can organize events like last weekend – we will grow. What is remarkable about the summit is that the memories reach far beyond the presenters and their information. The relationships built. The tears I shared with other members. Memorable.

    The excitement created from these factors will carry all of us forward.


  8. Dwayne G says:

    I like the idea of partnering with other like bodied organizations. Here in Canada, we have teh NCCP certification and training organizations for coaches of all levels. there is theory and then sports specific training/drills for coaches. However, I don’t think they have training for athletic development. We also have a long Term AThletic Development Model for various sports/athletes, coaches and sports organizations which is spear-headed by teh Canadian Sport for Life organization.

    The IYCA message could reach a lot more athletes, parents and coaches through these two organizations.

    I’m not sure how this kind of partnership could be formed, but its eems like it would be a compatible partnership because of similar philosophies.

    Targeting youth sports organizations might be another way.

    My final suggestion for Western Canada would be advertising in the IMPACT magazine, a regional magazine that provides info to recreational and fitness minded people of all ages.


  9. Shawn A. (Youth Coach) says:

    I think that what needs to be done from the head office to improve society’s recognition of the IYCA, is training IYCA members to become local representatives within their respective communities and cities. Then the local representatives can then target the youth sports organizations through sponsorship. This sponsorhip could involve IYCA hosting local youth camps or tournaments of all types, creating exposure while targeting all athletic goups. Most parents if not all parents feel very secure and confident with their child/children participating with coaches/organizations who are a main stay in the community. IYCA might also find it benificial to set up booths at various sports clinics in various regions. These booths should intel IYCA’s history, their purpose, as well as their mission and how they plan to accomplish it worldwide.

  10. Eric Starkweather says:

    1. Get on “Oprah.” But quickly, while you still have a chance. ;-P
    2. Create some more parent-centric marketing (website or pages on current site, connecting with parenting resources like magazines or organizations, ads, etc.). Current site feels pretty pro-oriented.
    3. Look for existing entities that already do things that the IYCA doesn’t yet do well, and create mutually beneficial partnerships. The specific idea I have is: creating course content for the ASEP (Amer. Sport Ed. Pgm.?) that Human Kinetics promotes.
    4. Partner with other organizations that cater to Key Communicators that will reach our targets (kids, parents, educators, …others?). Some good examples already listed by others above.
    a. Consider other orgs that are (at least partially) aimed at more or less the same goals as the IYCA. Examples include: US Sport governing bodies (I imagine that getting in with one would make the next ones easier??), Positive Coaching Alliance, AAHPERD (Amer. Assn. of Health, PE, Rec., & Dance) ,YMCA, National Alliance for Youth Sports, AAU?, others? American Camping Assn. and Association of Experiential Educators would be two more non-traditional ideas.
    b. Consider conventions/publications/etc. of each of the above to get the word out to professionals connected with them. Not necessarily for recruiting (which you’re probably already doing thru many of the above???), but to educate those that DON’T join IYCA about what you/we do.
    5. To be more general…:
    a. identify your target(s);
    b. identify who/where they go for information they trust;
    c. network with/ advertise in/ write articles for THOSE sources;
    d. repeat. (these are basics that I would guess you’re already beyond, but never hurts to repeat the fundamentals…)
    6. Continue to teach members how to make connections & spread the word on the local level. Grassroots or small/local efforts will ultimately create the best long-term foundation for the organization because they’re much easier venues for leveraging personal relationships; strong personal relationships will create much more longevity/vitality for your message.

    Just my $.02 worth from 5 minutes of brainstorming. Maybe there’s one good idea in there somewhere….

    LOTS of good ideas listed by others already! Can’t wait to see where you guys go with this!!

  11. Eric Starkweather says:

    Oh yeah — one more thing — can’t believe I forgot….
    Maybe easier suggested than done, but now certainly seems like a great time to at least write and introduce the IYCA to her. A mention in one of her appearances for “Let’s Move” would go a LONG way towards building the IYCA’s credibility and recognizability. Heck, you could even invite Mrs. Obama to write a guest blog entry!

  12. Scott G. Smith says:


    First of all let me congratulate you for an awesome organization and a job well done at the summit. I had schedule conflicts and was not able to attend. The video stream, even though we did not have access to the powerpoint presentations, was perfect. Thank you.

    To answer your question, let me first say that I am way ahead of you on this one. I got involved with the IYCA because of the value of being associated with a solid organization. You guys will very soon be the ASCM/NASM/ACE of youth fitness certification (I mean as far as recognition AND being the gold standard of quality). I HAD to be a part and look forward to actually getting an opportunity to speak with you at length.

    Being involved in such an organization, I realize that it would only benefit me as a professional to have the IYCA looked at in the most favorable light possible.

    So, here is what I am doing and I suggest that every trainer and IYCA member take it upon themselves to do something similar. AND… as some have already mentioned, the IYCA can also do some of these things on a larger scale:

    1) Charity events – every trainer should be doing them.

    2) Free content in the form of a report for local high school parents. Also distribute to the local PTA. most of the time you should probably avoid the actual school because they have to run things by the Board anyway.

    3) Currently working on bringing back a version of the Presidential Fitness Award in my state (Texas). I happen to be locate in the state capitol and last year was contacted about leading boot camps (adult) for the senators while they were in session.

    4) More charity work. I volunteer my time as much as possible. it gives me an opportunity to really become a respected professional in my town. because there is such a need, I am ALWAYS given an opportunity to talk about my business. It is how I have been able to work with many celebrities that have committed to do interviews and support my efforts… “it’s for the kids.”

    5) Not joking about getting on Oprah. But the way to do it is to… Saving that one – (wink)

    6) The Big One… Create a standardized report about breakthrough scientific good stuff about childhood obesity and the health of our youth… and our responsibility. make it “DONE FOR YOU” report or even better if the content can be updated, make it a monthly newsletter that all of the IYCA trainers can access and then deliver to each and every school out there. NOT BY WAY of some mass mailing, though. every trainer take the time to go to one school at a time, set up an appointment and share the information with the board or the principal. This info is THAT important. GIVE IT AWAY and even offer the PE teachers an opportunity to become official by getting IYCA certified.

    Hope that helps some. Most of this stuff is pretty simple and fitness pros have been doing for a while. I guess what I am saying in a nutshell is that the best thing that you can do is stay at the helm and lead. grab some other leaders and duplicate yourself and rely on the IYCA members to get the word out. just keep creating and getting out great info.

    Thanks again for all of your effort and commitment.

    Coach Scott aka “Captain Fitness”

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