
Olympic Lifting & Young Athletes


Olympic Lifting Educational Opportunity

I posted this article on my blog back in 2009 but decided to re-hash it for a very good reason…


On Monday July 11, the incredible Wil Fleming of Athletic Revolution will be joining me for a free educational event:


Olympic Lifting – Technique, Programming & Progressions


You can join us live (Monday at 7:30pm – EST) OR you can register now and enjoy the playback whenever it fits your schedule.


Click below right now to register for absolutely no charge:




Now, read this to see the depth of Wil’s knowledge of this subject:


How soon should you start training Olympic lifting technique in young athletes?


My answer?


As soon as the athlete walks in your door. 


As soon as a young athlete starts training at my facility we are either doing the Olympic lifts or preparing them to eventually perform the lifts.


I do not advocate loading up a bar and telling younger athletes to start cleaning and snatching immediately, but I do advocate training the technique and qualities that produce great Olympic lifts later in training. Athletes at any age must learn how to properly create and absorb force. Teaching the young athlete how to produce force from the ground up is not only important to their athletic endeavors later in life, but also serves the purpose of learning the basics of the pull in both the clean and the snatch.


A portion of each coaching session with even my youngest athletes, focuses on the foundations of pulling technique, and even the technique at the catch position of both the clean and snatch.  Once a young athlete has been training in my system for a period of time, we will progress to very light external loads.


For the younger athletes we will often use the lifts from the floor to increase hip mobility, and combine the exercises into a complex, we often superset exercises that train similar qualities.


For example a couple of my youngest athletes have this placed in the program for a portion of their workout.


1A Power Clean + Front Squat
1B Rocket Jumps
2A MB Front Squat + OH Throw (Pushing Straight OH)
2B Split Jumps


Of course these athletes have been taught in a targeted and progressive teaching system. 


One that leads these athletes to predictable and great results.


Join Wil and I on Monday July 11 for Our Free Educational Event:


Olympic Lifting – Technique, Programming & Progressions


Register Right Now (For No Charge):


—> https://iyca.org/olympic-lifts/




– Brian

olympic lifting


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