
How To Work With Injured Young Athletes


Brilliant examples of how to work with injured young athletes:

Injured Young Athletes




Prevent 30% More of Injured Young Athletes?


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– Brian





2 Responses

  1. Richard Ruiz says:

    Dave, I agree with most of what you said and think it’s a must to keep theses young kids in the training loop. My one concern was the athlete with the concussion. I’ve had athletes with such an injury, and brain stimulus can also be a concern during recovery. My athlete was actuallu kept away from reading, watching TV and homework for awhile. Wouldn’t you think that having your athlete back at your training facility encouraging and taking in all the actions,energy in the gym be too much stimulus? Thank you for considering my humble question and opinion.

  2. Dave Gleason says:


    Absolutely agree 100%. With EVERYTHING we do it should be priority #1 to do what is appropriate given all the information you have and what you are seeing in your athletes. We had the MD’s green light in this situation.

    Great question!

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