
How to Assess Young Athletes


Do you ever ‘test’ your Young Athletes?


Their speed?






If so, why?


You know, most Coaches and Trainers can’t answer that question.


They test because they think they’re supposed to.


That they need to in order to show ‘results’.


But there are other reasons…



A Complete And Exact Roadmap to Assessing Young Athletes


… And Guaranteeing Their Optimal Development


Click Here Now —> www.CompleteAthleteDevelopment.com



– Brian


Young Athletes


2 Responses

  1. bo says:

    hi Dave,

    fantastic video info , RTA indeed is what we should look at in the testing days , intrinsic values is what testing
    should be all about ,stead of how many reps .!
    focus on the outcome !

    IYCA, whish we could have your organisation here in Holland !

    thank you so much for this info!

    bo, cert. PT/mental coach .

  2. Ben Rossi,CFT,SSC,YFS, Combine 360 Powered by Under Armour Level 3 Trainer says:

    I believe that all populations should be evaluated, from athletes to general population to kids. Evaluations for kids need to be designed in a fun way but always mindful of proper fundamentals from posture to body alignment etc. Kids are competitive so offer environments to allow them to play have fun and compete at the same time. Thank you for posting this video and keep up the good work!

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