
How Important is Coaching?

Families listen to each other (at least functional families do!!).


Which is why your thoughts and opinions are important to me.


Here are the questions I would like your thoughts on:


1) What are your ‘Top 3’ factors for someone becoming the very best
Youth Fitness Specialist they could be (i.e. Communication, Programming
Skill, Kinesiology Knowledge etc)


2) If you were teaching another Trainer how to be an effective Coach/Communicator,
what is the first thing you would want to teach them?



I am DYING to hear what you have to say…


– Brian


34 Responses

  1. Dan says:

    Three factors for becoming a successful trainer – 1) Learn how to teach goal setting and achievement. 2) Understand the importance of sleep and diet on physiology , and be able to emphasize this importance. 3) coach variety and change-ups in routine to maintain improvement.

    Effective coaches and communicators need to kow what drives teir pupils. This comes from listening.

    Now, I’m off to workout. G’day

  2. Tom says:

    3 factors:

    1) Communicaton – Know how to communicate with your athletes. All the knowledge in the world is useless if you can’t communicate that knowledge effectively to someone else.
    2) “Body” knowledge – Know how the whole body works as one unit. Too many coaches/trainers are focused and well-trained on specific parts or functions of the human body. The problem is, they all work together, so zeroing in on one or a few parts of the whole system can sometimes be detrimental or even outright dangerous.
    3) Programming knowledge – Have a plan and work the plan. A good coach not only knows how to design a good program, but he knows how to coach it and stick to it.

    The one thing that I want to teach my coaches (I am a football coordinator for a youth organization) is how to listen to their players. Not just what they say, but what their bodies say. Their posture during a drill (from beginning to end) can tell you volumes about a player’s confidence and frame of mind. If we, as coaches, don’t ‘hear’ what our athletes are telling us, how can we be effective coaches?

    Just my two cents.

  3. Mike Kozul says:


    I agree with everyone who has echoed the need for effective communication.

    How about one’s abiliy to stimulate your young athletes through education. Kids want to know “why?” you are asking them to peform specific movements, skillls, etc. Effective coaches, trainers I have witnessed also have the innate ability to simplify work, individualize training to the specific individual.
    Are all athetes not equal???

  4. Jim LaMotta says:

    Top 3 Factors:

    1. Communication – I think everyone that responds will have this on the list. it is the basis for teaching any subject. You have to be able to have your students understand what you are teaching.
    2. Continually updating your knowledge of all aspects in the area you are instructing – Coaches/teachers/instructors don’t have the time or resources to test new techniques. Research continues to reshape what we teach & how we teach it. We must stay on top of developements as they arise.
    3. Time & Commitment – Too many coaches (not professionals) are not willing or able to give the time necessary to train others, especially youth who are blank slates for the most part. Whatever we teach the youth will stay with them forever, good or bad.

    If I was teaching another Trainer how to be an effective Coach/Communicator,
    the first thing you would want to teach them is:
    You have to understand that everyone is different & will learn at the pace that they are capable. I coach team sports and I learned early on that players respond differently to methods of motivation. Some need to be constantly challanged, while others respond better to praise & reassurance, and every nuance in between. Find what makes the individual respond positively and you & he/she will succeed. If you go with the idea of treating everyone the same. you’ll lose half of your team and any success will be luck.

  5. Dr. Kwame M Brown says:

    I will share mine later today, but here’s a thought:

    Are we sure that we want to put communication AHEAD of knowledge? Really? What are you communicating?

    I would say that one is just as important as the other, but I am hard pressed to put communication ahead. It sounds good, but in practice, can actually be damaging. If I am a great communicator with bad information, don’t I make athletes even worse than if I did nothing?

  6. guy says:

    1. look
    2. listen
    3. feel (empathize),rinse,repeat.

    it’s the end of basketball, wrestling, etc. and i’m seeing some kids who are a little “done”. everyone knows how to do great things for little kids. it helps me to slow down and remember to do little things for great kids. make a kid laugh today.

  7. HE says:

    1.studying and implementing the strategies currently being used by genuinely successful coachs and love working with youth of today.

    2.How to duplicate; to be attentive, study your material, know your material, how to be a good observant and listener.

  8. Jim says:

    I’ve been coaching youth footballl, basketball, and baseball for four years. It’s been a learning experience. My experience has led me to the following conclusions about working with youth athletes:

    1) You MUST understand that you’re dealing with kids. Parents are entrusting their children to you. Show your love and concern for their child and you’ll have their respect.

    2) Communicate to the kids that you care about them. Let them know you’re having as much fun as they are. Positivity creates positivity. If you can’t communicate/connect with the kids you’ll struggle to have success working with young athletes. Without appropriate communication the correct message will never be received.

    3) Proper knowledge of techniques and how kids best learn them. They have short attention spans. Drills/exercise must be appropiate both mentally and physically to their development/maturity. For example, a ten year old baseball player is going to struggle spending 45 minutes taking groundballs two days a week. However, 10 minutes a day nearly everyday get lots of reps in over a week and is well suited for the age of the baseball player.

    An additional point. Have patience. Kids mature very differently. The best athletes often don’t shine at a young age because they don’t have the aggression or desire…..YET. In time most will. So don’t fret when a young athlete isn’t doing as well as they should.

  9. Ken Finley says:

    I would definitely agree with Jim’s response above. He has clearly worked with kids quite a bit. My 3 are as follows: 1) You have to have a passion for wanting to be with and helping kids-treat them the way you would want your own kids to be treated with respect, love and encouragement- kids see through you and your motives in a second- do you have their best interest at heart? 2) See the bigger picture. I want the kids I work with to become the very best they can be physically, emotionally and mentally, i.e. help them develop their whole person; Nothing would please we more than if they grow up and help others to do the same whether as a parent, teacher or future coach 3) Know your stuff! How can you best help that kid develop whether they have no coordination or they are amazing athletes. Be prepared (and patient enough) to help all kinds of kids and just not the right drills, how you talk to them, interact with them and teach them. They are all different and learn at different rates and in different ways.

  10. Cliff says:

    1. Three factors to becoming a youth fitness specialist

    Fitness Knowledge – Learn all you can about fitness as it relates to our youth. Kids are still basically the same. They want to be engaged and believe it or not still challenged. So an open frame of mind in understanding the specific needs of youth is very iimportant. Be willing to take in information from any source and evaluate it for your understanding and application. Understand what the body can do as a whole and help to make it more efficient by using different ways to challenge the whole.

    Understanding/Listening to your Audience – You have to know where you are starting with an athlete and then train accordingly. No two kids are the same and you cannot just use a cookie cutter program. You can start with a common routine, but be willing to refine it for each of your athletes. This flies in the face of team oriented training, but you will always have a base that can be preformed by all members. It is the specifics that need to be worked on to bring everyone along. In a team environment, the team is only as strong as its’ weakest link. Do not leave anyone behind.

    Communicateion – This by far is the most important in my mind. If you cannot communicate your vision clearly, then how can you expect your athletes to buy into your program. This communication has to be engaging and fun so the athlete can make it part of their everyday life. Too many people look at exercising as a chore and find it energy sapping. This is really the opposite of what you want. It should be invigorating and enjoyable. An athlete should be more energized after exercise. It all hinges on you communicating the program.

    2. Effective Coach/Communicator

    The three things that I think a good coach/communicator must posses are:
    – Use clear understandable language (No jargon). Understand your audience and communicate on their level. I think we all know the deer in the headlights look.

    – Make it simple. If it is too complicated to understand, it will never be used. Of course over time more advanced concepts and methods could be introduced. You have to start out simple and make sure it is understood. If not, then you need to dial it down even farther.

    – The most important to me is make it fun. Training should not be a chore. Now that is not to say an athlete should not work hard. Working hard will come more naturally when they enjoy what they are doing. They’ll want to do their best and improve.

  11. Brian Racer says:

    Brian, you’ll probably know this one already. But the Greeks worked out a pretty good trio of qualities on this topic a couple thousand years ago. (Weren’t they some of the early practitioners of the coaching profession?) These same three characteristics also make for great communicators in any realm.

    1) Ethos – There is a certain high ethic that exudes from the person that says they have high moral standards for themselves first and then for those they are trying to influence. They hold themselves up as examples to follow because they understand that there is far more caught than taught. Bottom line: Do I practice what I preach to the kids? Am I fit? Do I control my temper? What words do I use–profane and negative or gracious and positive?

    2) Logos – I agree with Kwame, we have to have the right things (logos = words that capture ideas) to say as well as knowing how to say them. If I want my kids to be excited about learning new things and applying them, am I? (see #1). Included in this is a certain amount of patience to continue to go back to core issues, the irreducibles if you will, until they are mastered. That is our responsibility to find creative and effective ways to get the message across. Sometimes that means we don’t say anything, we just let the experiences impact the athlete and listen for the teachable moment. That leads to the last characteristic…

    3) Pathos – How well do I know those I train? Have I tapped into the emotional and passion levels of this athlete? What makes him or her tick? Do I really know them well enough to care about them? Have I taken the time to learn what else is going on in their lives outside of practice? Have I spent time with their parents/guardians to learn another perspective from people that care about them (hopefully) and know them better than I? I am growing to love them as I make commitments to invest in their development?

    Hope this adds some value to the conversation.

  12. george maoury says:

    Good question Brian, I would have to say that I agree with Kwame. I feel that knowledge should be first. Kinesiology, psychology, general CNS development. This is where I feel I lack a bit. 2nd: Then I would say being able to communicate your knowledge to children and teenagers in a way that they can relate.
    3rd: Must have a passion and love for what you do. I feel that I have that last two, and I am working on the first. This is why I am working my way through the different certification levels of the IYCA and other avenues that will help me with increasing my knowledge.

  13. Chris Fiel says:

    I have been coaching middle school and high school sports for about 12 yrs now, and i feel you can never have too much knowledge. But i dont feel that just having the knowledge is key. I feel that having and understanding the knowledge and how to implement it is the first factor. My second factor would be communication, and how to communicate with your athletes. Some people are good speakers, but never make a commection with their listeners, I think that there are certain types of individuals that have better communication with the youth of today, and understand how to encourage with positive reinforcement. My third factor is, be organized on how you do things and relate to them that there is a purpose for everything that you do.

    If i was training a trainer or coach, i would first teach them to always be willing to learn themselves, as there is nobody that knows everything, and if we can be taught, then our athletes can be taught, also be patient and willing to give your athlete 110%, and take pride in your ability to help these younger athletes.

  14. Jesse Salinas says:

    1 You need to have lots of passion and be willing to accept that you are not a know it all.Always be a student of the coaching arts ourselves,be willing to accept good knowledge from others in the same field.IT is a give and take ,even from the little ones we so much want to coach and develop into productive citizens of our world.
    2 As Head Coach summer tracK ,assi-middle school football 8 grd, track 8grd and girls 9grd BB COACH. I can tell you with all my experience gained You NEED TO BRING IN THE PARENTS and let them know you are on their side, win them over! sell them the program you intend to use with their children and your expectations for them.You will see that it makes a big difference when parents are informed beforehand.
    3 Most important of all coaches please!!! Be willing in fact You MUST work with children that are at the , 3rd tier 4th tier level of talent that is where gods work is at. DONT go accumilate talent and beat up on teams that are well diversified with levels of talent, and then call youselves coaches.

  15. Dan says:

    1. Always stay within your skillset…but grow that skillset every day. Know how to safely do what you need to do, don’t pretend, don’t be greedy.
    2. Always have a plan…but be flexible
    3. Always have fun…but maintain discipline.

    The velvet hammer: always be positive…but be straightforward. Sandwich each truth (the hammer) between two complements (the velvet).
    With parents and older athletes: Use little scientific language and mostly stories, testimonies or parables to explain. Use “does that make sense?” a lot. Listen to what their needs/concerns are and address your answers specifically to their situation. Don’t talk about yourself unless asked.
    With kids: They don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Encourage always, discipline when necessary. Smile and have fun, but make sure they understand consequences to misbehavior vs. good behavior. “Games are the reward for focus and hard work”. Consequences mostly involve a threat of sitting out of activities – sit in the corner or with your parents – works every time very few every have to sit. As for training, explain clearly what you want to do, how to do it, then demonstrate and let them go. Focus on the activity itself more than form and mechanics.

  16. keiko says:

    Wow – good question…

    ‘Top 3′ factors for someone becoming the very best Youth Fitness Specialist :

    1) They have to like kids …. really!

    2)Have a sound foundation of knowlege and certifications to understand the developmental stages of kids – mentally, physically, neurologically – what can they handle at what age? The IYCA certs are a great place to start 😉

    3) Not only be a good listener but really “hear” what kids (and parents) are saying, read body language and when in doubt, ask questions.

    One more thing, have fun and play…

    To teach another Trainer how to be an effective Coach/Communicator, what is the first thing you would want to teach them?

    I don’t know if you can teach someone this but they have to care and genuinely like kids. I have met a few trainers that “work” with kids and honestly, I don’t think they really even like kids…shocking but true…. I also have to say, learn HOW to listen, put your own ego aside and have fun!

  17. david pocock says:

    Top 3 factors YFS
    1. Passion – internalized desire to help make a positive difference in kids’ lives.
    2. Skills – Listening and observation. Being really good at receiving information that helps assess needs and effectiveness.
    3. Knowledge – of programing and technique to reach your objectives. the better the “tool kit” at hand the better you’ll take advantage of having factors #1 and #2

  18. Nicolas Roy says:

    1-Knowledge, perspective and experience towards anatomy, physiology, traning methodologies, psychology and the goal of the athlete.

    2-Creating relationships with athletes and listening to them because: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

    3-Making your best, by having a contagious passion, to gradually over years (Long term planing) teach athletes to be more and more autonomous with training theory and with values. This will help them to make smart choices towards the continuity of their sporting or professionnal career or if they want to, help them give back to other younger athletes when he or she will be older.

    I coach and I teach in a university. Two of my athletes now study in kinesiology! I’m pretty sure that those athletes will become partners sooner or later because they will have great knowledge but also because they know the mission and the values that I serve.

  19. Dave says:

    interesting question.

    My first point- have a message,(knowledge, skill/task, program) I am constantly working on my message and have a open mind.

    2 Deliver that message.

    3 Stay true to that message.

    When I am coaching, the kids in my team are treated the same as my 2 boys- I want them to win, enjoy what they are doing and I also look at their personal development and future within the sport. ( my message )

    Dad to many

  20. Larry Wood says:

    YOu can have all the knowledge in the world but if you cannot communicate at the understanding level of your audience then what good is all of your knowledge. I would also instruct a new student to learn the skill of listening to what your athletes are telling you and asking of you. For too many times we hear words but fail to really listen to what’s being communicated. Second, we must be versed and up to date in our areas of expertise. We as coaches must always be open-minded and willing to learn from even our studients and athletes because at any moment and at any time valuable nuggets can be picked up from any one.

  21. Scott G. Smith says:

    1. PASSION – More than loving what you do. Love working with kids. My internal saying… I’d do this for free but I gotta eat. People can feel your passion and when you couple it with #’s 2 and 3 it translates into their ability to have confidence in what you say. Passion means you will work harder to learn more. You’ll do everything you can to give the knowledge to others. Passion is creative when it needs to be. Passion thinks outside the box at times and also plays REALLY well “IN” the box when necessary. Michael Jordan played like no other person ever has. Unbelievable innovator on the court and off. a magician that had to do it all “INSIDE THE LINES.” In a way his passion made it seem like there were no limits… no rules, but there obviously were.

    2. Knowledge – “You can love me but if you can’t help me… Sorry but I gotta move on.” Lack of knowledge will limit your ability to truly make a difference in peoples lives. Be constantly learning. Grow continually. The more you know, the larger your arsenal – the greater your ability to help becomes. DEEPER knowledge makes the superficial stuff second nature. The more you understand the broader your base from which to create, program and communicate. You can be a great programmer but if your knowledge base is shallow, you can become stale pretty quickly.

    3. Communication – Leaders can’t exist unless they can communicate the vision. Learning can’t take place until someone effectively communicates. Kids need to not just listen but actually HEAR what we are saying. Understanding that nothing is complete until communication has taken place means you will explore every avenue to make sure the connections are made (verbal and non-verbal communication) Clear communication lessons the chance for error, injury and insult.

  22. Richie Whall says:

    Some great posts o far, so heres my thoughts to add to the mix:

    My first two factors definitely relate to the ART of coaching

    1) Understand how children learn. What motivates children to be active, to learn, to want to improve?

    2) Create the optimum environment for success. Keep the child at the centre of the process, what activitie are appropriate for them at their current stage of development? How can we support them, encourage them, inspire them, empower them to take responsibility for their actions, challenge them and celebrate their successes.

    The final factor is based on SCIENCE of coaching

    3) Follow a system based on sound, scientific theory, seeking to understand the why’s of training rathet than just the coolest drills.

    First thing I’d want to teach another trainer is dependant on the trainers current skillset, but in my experience the ability to effectively take a step back, observe and listen to your young athletes is vital skill that is often missing, generally through the coaches desire to show they have all the answers or be the one in control. Guide the athletes to discover solutions for themselves and empower them with the knowledge to do so, give them a chance to work it out and dont be too quick to jump in and correct everything you see straight away. There is certainly an art to it and watching and learning from great teachers can be an excellent way of learning these key skills.

  23. Dave Gleason says:

    1.) Knowledge – Without the right message(s) the delivery of those messages is worthless. A youth fitness specialist must have a base of knowledge and skill sets that will be the tools they draw from in creating appropriate programming for the young humans they will be coaching.

    2.) Delivery System – The ability to meet the young athletes “where they are” is crucial. A young athlete (or anyone for that matter) does not care how much you know until you have made a connection with them as a human being. This is where the art of coaching comes into play.

    3.) Continuing Education – Not just via the IYCA or any other organization that teaches us how to work with young children. Learn from the young people you coach – EVERY DAY. Become a professional observer. Ask questions.

    Answer to question #2

    The session is not about you or your programming. Allow yourself the freedom to coach the kids in front of you on that day, hour and minute. If the session is not going how you invisioned – it may not be their fault…but yours. The next day they could seem like totally different kids because there are numerous variables that are inconsistent – sleep, nutrition, stress (yes young kids experience stress), activity (or lack there of) at school, medications for ADD/ADHD etc., divorce, social issues….

    The bigger, stronger and faster part is easy. Providing a positive environment for children to develop into young adults is a priviledge.

    You will effect the lives of every young child you coach. Negatively or positively.

    Great question and terrific discussion.


  24. Kim Simonson says:

    Hi Brian,
    I love your questions and have thinking about them all day. This is what I think:
    1. Acknowledge every chilld. This is crucial. Eye contact and feedback draws them in and lets them know that someone cares about what they’re doing. It establishes a sense of self worth.
    2. Always give positive feedback, especially when you have to correct something that they are doing. This allows them to address the correcition with confidence.
    3. At the end of every session, praise everyone individually for their effort and try to comment on something in particular that you liked about what they did that session. This will keep them coming back.

    This is the advice I would give to any youth coach specialist as well. As far as the skills and knowledge of exercise science and sports training- I assume you have learned this in your schooling.

  25. Francois Nel - South Africa says:

    1 I would say that everything comes down to knowledge. Knowledge about every aspect of coaching. I will try to put it in 3 different boxes.
    1.1 Knowledge. That will include knowledge about the requirements for being a healthy person(all aspects of being a complete functional human being in society). Knowledge about the science of movement. Fitness, speed, strength, etc.
    1.2 Evaluation skills. Knowledge of the meaning of what you see. Is it good, OK or bad.
    1.3 Communication skills. How to make the athlete understands what you are trying to convey. Here I will not only include verbal skills but also aspects like listening skills, body language, tone of voice and the use of other methods for bringing the message over.

    2 The importance of the influence of the coach on an athlete’s life. Not just the physical aspects but also the mental and psychological. I always start my coaches training with this sentence: Athlete first. Coaches have to remember that the people they work with mostly wants to be there. It is not like kid in school who have to be there. Big difference.

  26. Barrie J says:

    TOP 3 of many
    EXPERIENCE- Get plenty of experience coaching youth as you possibly can. individuals, teams, small groups, different sports etc. It will help develop your style, philosophy, and understanding.

    KNOWLEDGE- Of both the science and art of coaching youth. It never ends.

    AWARENESS- Have an awareness of how things you say or do affects/effects an athlete both physically and emotionally. Having an awareness of the stresses or anxieties your athletes may be under. Be aware of the impact you will have on your athletes’ life and experience of sport/physical actvity. Be aware of the trust your athletes have in you and the responsibility that brings. Once you have this ‘awareness’ coaching youth becomes very special.

    If teaching another Trainer to become an effective communicator I would ask them to listen to their athletes feedback, verbally and non-verbally. If you want to know what works best in a given situation- ASK your athletes. You will learn faster, about what will motivate your athletes with communication going both ways. The best coaches are the best motivators.

  27. Richard Barron says:

    In reverse order:

    First I would teach the trainer and anyone working with kids to be an effective listener. The best coaches-teachers-leaders are effective at listening. They listen to content, emotion, and by being effective listeners they create an opportunity to receive feedback from the kids they are trying to work with on how to help coach them. Listening is 90% of communication and yet practiced the least.

    I would tell the fitness specialist the top three factors are:
    1. How to make excercie and fitness training fun for kids.
    2.How to make fitness training relevant to the sport they are learning and sport specific. By this I mean the skills have to be useful in the achievement of fundamentals in the sport they are trying to excel in.
    3. How to help the athlete focus or mental training. This is really important to overcome problems with motivation. and begins to address issues of character and developing excellence.

    Coach Rick Barron

  28. Nelson Morales says:

    Top 3 areas for me to teach a coach how to be effective with his athletes:

    1. Communication: Yet I wouldn’t worry so much how to be teaching them anything straight off from the start. Ask them questions and listen to them first. See where mentally and physically they are in their neuromuscular development then you can effectively train them from there.

    2. Knowledge: Knowledge is power in every walk of life especially the fitness industry. As specialists we vow to give our athletes/clients the most injury free yet performance enhancement programming. A functional elite athlete at young age breeds a functional elite athlete at an older age.

    3. Fun: At all times we can not forget that fitness should be about fun. Though athletics is a affluent area, money wise, when the athlete is ready to take the step, fun is at the root of them ultimately being willing to continually work towards their best.

  29. Nelson Morales says:

    Thought my comment went through but I don’t see it in the above thread.

    My 3 critical recommendations for a coach today would be:

    1. Communication: Not from the stand point of how you would convey your program to the athlete but first from a listening standpoint. Ask them several open ended questions so that you get a better feel for where they are among their personal nueromuscular development.

    2. Knowledge: In many fields, especially the fitness and health industry, knowledge is power. You must stay current because we are continually evolving industry. If you don’t stay as current as possible you will be left behind the pack. Also with sound knowledge of your expertise we can further provide injury free and optimal performing programs. So be open to learn from everyone and everything.

    3. Fun: An athlete at all stages of life choose to do their particular sport for the love of it. If you have a love for it and convey that all times to them then they grow up with that continual passion for what activity they choose to partake in. Let genetics take care of the rest.

  30. SoCal Brian says:

    Three important parts of (youth) coaching are; 1. Confidence – this encompasses a few different aspects of coaching in my eyes, like overall training knowledge, ability to communicate with your athletes effectively and a working or practical knowledge of what your teaching. 2. Education – to me, being educated is a life long process of courses of study and practical application of what you’ve studied or learned as well as personal athletic experience. 3. Organizational Skills – being organized to me, projects professionalism as well as putting the athlete and his parents at ease from knowing what is going on throughout the training program. When you have a system that is put into place you will have a much smoother process to achieving the results you set forth for your athetes.

  31. Kamal Afzal says:

    Dear, IYCA

    I am not sure if you will get to read this since so many have posted their ideas above this one.
    But, yes one can put “how to become a Youth Fitness Specialist” into 3 different strategies.

    I will give you my thought on the person who wants to become a youth fitness specialist, then i will write as to what i think of the most important 3s. If anyone decides to become a Coach, or any other specialist, you probably have already learned or are qualified to do so, and that you are contantly learning and asking questions. That is something you must already do for yourself, and it shouldn’t be a part of top 3s. And i believe that applies to all professionalism. But that still does not make you a specialist! That’s perhaps what you credentials are, but nay. Here’s What Does;

    1. Show appreciation to the participants

    2. Grow with your participants, be honoured by their achievements.

    3. Win and Lose together with participants.

    -Have a Better Day than yesterday!!

  32. After 30 years of teaching children the #1 factor is “being a good role model” Children always don’t have the best role models at home, they need to learn how to be part of a team, how to get along with everyone, how to show respect, how to deal with difficult situations, how to handle wins and losses, how to work hard, how not to give up…I could keep going. Once they have these abilities they will last a lifetime. As a coach you need these skills. #2 factor. Know what you are doing, your knowledge must be top notch. #3 is learn how to teach, what teaching methods work. Study why certain coaches are more successful then others due to their teaching methods. A recent arthicle in the NY Times Magazine section on how to improve the quality of teachers, was to go back to the universities that produce teachers and get them to change how they prepare teachers to teach successfully. I had a total of 10 student teachers during the last part of my teaching career from 4 different colleges, I think I have an idea what works. I know what I say is out of the mainstream of the replies you receive, but I believe that is what you want to hear.
    Good luck on your quest to help children.

  33. Dr. Kwame M Brown says:

    Great Comment all! And Yes, Kamal we read them all (and yes unfortunately I meant to rhyme that).

  34. Is Brian Grasso interested in testifying as an expert witness in a case of a young 16-year old female soccer player who ruptured all three ligaments of her left knee during a speed and agility drill?

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