
Haley Perlus on Mental Toughness

haley perlus mental toughnessHaley Perlus got interested in mental toughness and sports psychology as a competitive downhill skier.  Her coach used an interesting tactic to motivate her, and it impacted her in a way that made her want to dedicate her life to learning more about it.  Since then, Dr. Perlus has worked with hundreds of athletes including professionals and Olympic competitors.

Dr. Perlus has a way of breaking down mental toughness into easily understandable points that coaches, trainers and even parents can use to help athletes prepare for practice or competition.  This episode of The Impact Show will give you a deeper understanding of sports psychology and will probably get you interested in learning more about some of the techniques involved in mental training.

Please listen below directly from this page or go directly to iTunes to subscribe to The Impact Show.

If you’d like more information from Haley Perlus, check out the IYCA Mental Toughness Course she produced.  It has gotten rave reviews from our members, and it will give you the knowledge to make a difference with your clients immediately.

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