
Exercise Programs For Kids: Tip of the Week




Exercise Programs For Kids From The IYCA

I had a great conversation today with brilliant and passionate
IYCA Member, Billy Corbett.


He mentioned that while tooling around on the IYCA website,
something caught his eye that he knew he had seen before, but
never really paid close attention to –


The photograph of me running around and playing with a group
of small children.


"It occurred to me that I should be doing more stuff like that, Brian"
Billy told me over the phone.


"Is that kind of coaching a good idea when working with kids?"


Excellent question and an easy answer….


HECK yes!


There is certainly a fine line between goofing around with your
young clients and enjoying physical activity with them.


In my 13 years of coaching Exercise Programs For Kids experience, I can tell you that one of
the fastest and most practical ways of creating relationships with
youngsters that will bridge a level of trust and keep them coming
back for more (i.e. member retention) is to section off a period of
class time during which you participate in a game with them.


In fact, my standard training session for kids between the ages of
6 – 9 looks something like this –


1) Introductions (5 minutes)
2) Technique Instruction (5 minutes)
3) Technique Play (10 minutes)
4) Technique Instruction 2 (5 minutes)
5) Technique Play 2 (10 minutes)
6) Free Play (10 minutes)


And #6 is where I jump in and play WITH them during the Exercise Programs For Kids!


They love it, I love it and the parents LOVE it!


Be sure to get down and dirty with your young clients and play
with them during certain period of your training session.


To learn more about my Exercise Programs For Kids training system and why this ‘play time’
is absolutely critical to the proper growth and development of your
young clients, click on the link below to access the IYCA’s Level 1
Youth Fitness Specialist certification –





Have a great weekend!




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