Young athletes require support and guidance.
Quick thought for you…
How can you elevate the Young Athletes you train?
The ones who constantly work hard, are forever giving you their
best efforts and never let up no matter how difficult the
session is.
How can you help elevate them into a team leader?
Because sometimes they are quiet.
They lead by example, to be sure, but maybe you want more of
their tenacity known.
I don’t struggle with this problem… in fact, I have a
system for making this work.
But I really want to hear your thoughts.
Click below and leave a comment or suggestion…
When an athlete does something very well, I like to have them demonstrate it for the group. I’ll simply tell the athlete, “keep doing what you’re doing.” Then, I’ll call the attention of the rest of the group to this athlete and say, “that is perfect technique, this is what we should be aiming for. Go for that!”
Then we move on.
I just want the group to see how to do the drill correctly, and at the same time show that individual athlete they are special, and a natural leader.
I use the quiet athlete to demonstrate a technique or run a group of 3 -4 kids as an additional instructor to place the kid in a leadership role within the team.
Every young child is a unique individual and for me the comments above are spot on.Getting them to demonstrate even take a basic class with a buddy alonside them will help,ie a confident persons with maybe a less condident person.Does it work well Yes!However,its not for everyone and knowing those limitations and your athletes will help you decide what the best option is for that player.Young children have a luv sports and giving them this freedom to express themselves within their own limits will enhance their profile and development.
John and Bob share my sentiments about getting a quiet hard working kid to be a leader. Give them a job or role to lead. I have used 1 or 2 of my 9 and 10 year olds to lead dynamic warm ups after they are comfortable with the tasks.
I like to take that athlete and give him one person to take under his wing. That way he can see his impact on another athlete and the positive force he can provide. I am careful to try to pick a great match-up that I can manage and ensure a positive experience for both participants.
Hey Brian – What I have found to work with the quiet leader type personality is this:
First I use very noticeable key phrases such as, “I like your work, Brian” or, “Great form, Brian” or maybe, “I like you leadership skills today, Brian.”
Then what I would do is have that young athlete lead the next series of exercises making a mention that, “Brian is going to lead this next exercise for us and I’d like everyone to watch his form through the movements.”
To bring his leadership skills out in a vocal capacity, I will later (in another session) have the young athlete assist me by leading a group through some drills or exercises.
I would have continued small talk and encouragement with the athlete through the growing process.
Brian-I encourage them to help me help the team. Ask for their imput on certain exercises and ask them to help develope a fun way to get the best out of our next session. It makes them think, and helps me know what I can do for them. Kids do come up with really good ideas, I refine the plan and it is a positive experience for all!
Brian, I am sure you have heard of General Goerge Patton. Should it be that much different.You don’t think somebody inspired him at a young age Leaders are made not born. Sure there are certain personality types that are gifted the same as some are guifted athletically. So!,. Do you know how much wasted talent is out there,how many more great leaders we could of had.Do we not have a shortage of leaders in this country and throughout the world? Our priamary goal should be inspiration not perspiration. God love Brian for your passion and selfless committment to all children everywhere. You have inspired me my friend and for that I will always be grateful
Hi Brian, my chalange is elavating the rest of the group to match the ones that worker harder than everyone else. Any suggestions on that?
Great answers all!
I addressed this exact issue on our live conference call today… be sure to check the Gold Members area for the entire recording!
I make them team captains and have them help with some of the newer players on the team, and they lead in some of the warmups and stretches before practice. This helps build their confidence as well as team unity, which is very important.