
Early Specialization vs. Long-Term Development

Right Brain activity versus Left Brain Action


Categorizing Sports into Groups 1, 2 or 3.


How to convince parents that your way is the right way.


Enjoy and let this information fester in your brain over the weekend…




– Brian


The 3-Part Youth Sports Training Revolution


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Early Specialization vs. Long-Term Development

8 Responses

  1. Scott says:

    I believe in what you say, however there are many magnet schools around these days that do give kids more specialized studying. So many parents are lead still through our educational system that more specialized focus is for some kids. i don’t agree, but that is a obstacle that is more difficult to explain to parents that have children or know children in these special school magnet programs.

  2. Cory Schroepfer says:

    Great infor Brian. maybe use a dry erase board, can’t see your notes on the pad.

  3. Anon says:

    Any comments on the nytimes article about the decline in U.S. tennis dominance? From my observation, that seems to be the sport where kids really specialize early in the U.S. I wonder if there is a connection between that specialization and our lack of performance?
    The article talked about the Euro academies as being a big factor, but I bet the Euro kids were at least serious soccer players.

  4. inessa says:

    tennis is the worse in north america atleast for encouraging very early specialization! And by specialization they really mean spend hours of time on court in repetitive activities. Talk about not developing efficient movement patterns…..

  5. Andrew says:

    Great blog. Too many athletes specialize in one sport at an early age, and the results, from my experience, is always the same.

  6. ABlythe says:


    I do totally agree with what you are saying, but it’s very difficult to put into practice with my own kids. I am involved with our local soccer academy and my kids all play at academy and select levels and I coach and train at the academy level – with the schedule we have in both fall and spring- there is quite an overlap with other sports like basketball, especially if you want to move into a more competitive level, such as travel team basketball or football. How should the community park and rec/sports clubs work out these issues to allow our youth to be able to participate in a larger variety of sports?

  7. GERMAN ANDRIN says:

    Before all sorry for my english. I think a practice way for give our child the most complete movement education to help they to be better soccer-basket-tennis or baseball players are to incorporate in our sport academy program, all the coordination skills, with the most various kind of movement, as well as recreational training session playing a different sport. We design the contents of our program of our specific sport academy, we can teach tennis but must to incorporate all kind of skills and variations of movement (used in other sport or not) to give our child the most complete motor education.

  8. GERMAN ANDRIN says:

    When you train kid you train theirs fathers to”
    One example: 6 years ago during a tennis training session with 12 years old childs, we used into the tennis court during the warm up, a game like this: half court the child play soccer and the other half court they play handball. At the final of the session the father of one kid ask me: what did you do today? I don´t bring my kid here to play soccer, he is a competitive level tennis player! (12 years old) So I must to answer him, your child had been doing different movement patron in time and space than they always did during his tennis trainning (and you say to me last week: “Peter must to develop his agility”), and he start the conditioning train with more motivation because he enjoy the first part of the session, so he did the conditioning with more quality!

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