

[wpfblike] I admit, I didn’t get here on purpose. Try as I might to pursue other options, it somehow managed to suck me in. It consumes my nights and it often invades my thoughts during the "work day." However, I simply couldn’t and wouldn’t have it any other way.


I’m a leftie by nature. Pure and unblemished out of the womb, my parents couldn’t find a leftie kid baseball glove for me as a child, so I somehow polluted myself into a current-day ambiguous hand dominance smorgasbord. Write with the left, throw with the right. Eat with the left, bowl horribly with the right. No matter. My brain didn’t care what hand I used to do whatever with, because I was right brain hard wired while I was being knit together in my mother’s womb.


For all the fun you left brainers toss at those of us in our right mind, you owe us a great deal. It is our creativity that helps beautify your world and improve your life. Like most lefties, I loved to draw and color and manipulate and create as a kid. It was little more than a hobby and a distraction to my "real" job until two years ago.


A conversation with my wife posed an interesting question: "If money were no consideration and you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?" With surprisingly little thought, I blurted out "graphic design." Just like that, the crankshaft for NiTROhype Creative started to revolve as the injector was primed for yet another new business venture.



In the two plus years that we’ve been operating formally, I have come to discover that what I have long thought of as "common knowledge" about business is decidedly uncommon. At the same time, I have also discovered that my own view of what it takes to make a business successful is painfully skewed to style over substance. And once you make that startling discovery in yourself, friends, you need to consider bringing someone else into the fold.


Months before I opened the doors to my first performance center, I toiled to create the perfect identity package. Colors. Logos. Business cards. Stationary. Even banners and wall art were ready months in advance. Meanwhile, programming would wait until the very last minute.


What I discovered was that my own talents and creativity were sometimes debilitating weaknesses in that I obsessed over the little things. But frankly, to be successful in today’s marketplace, you need obsession over all the things. That’s where a partner or two can come in really handy, provided their skill set is complimentary to your own. Just like in a marriage, complimentary personalities in business helps ensure that someone will obsess over every detail with little overlap and with next to no duplication of effort.


For me, that meant good friends Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry. If you are a creative type like me, you NEED a Pat or a Nick in your life to keep things moving in a meaningful direction. On the other hand, if you are a more task-oriented individual, you NEED someone like me on your team so that you don’t go out in public with plain white PowerPoint presentations with nothing more than black Times New Roman font on them. Oh, the humanity…


Dr Toby BrooksDr. Toby Brooks serves at the Director of Research and Education for the IYCA. Brooks is currently an Assistant Professor in the Master of Athletic Training Program at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center in Lubbock and is Co-Founder and Creative Director of NITROHype Creative.



Much, MUCH more than a ‘graphic designer’, see the incredible knowledge of Toby firsthand through the IYCA’s ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1′ certification…


Click Here Right Now —-> https://iyca.org/fitspecialist1/


5 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    I have used Toby and his incredibly creative mind several times….genious!

    I love his work and I know for a fact that the graphics he has created for our business has increased revenue! Thanks TB!

  2. david pocock says:

    I met you briefly at the IYCA conference. I really identify with your blog here. I made the decision to find out what I would love to do if money were not the issue – and I discovered IYCA as an inspiration and resource to help me uncover possibilities for leadership in youth sports, health and recreation.

    Like you, I am also a “displaced” lefty. My dad insisted I learn to throw a football with my right – which was not a big problem. Write left, throw left, golf right, bat right, tennis right, ping pong left, etc. I also identify with creativity/structure balance – always loved creativity process in business!

    Does your graphic design apply to t-shirt design? I am working with a fitness owner who has some ideas he wants applied to t-shirts for his business. Any ideas or resources?

    Thanks for all your help!

  3. Liz Donnelly says:


    Your post is awesome! If more people thought like you, Toby, then the world would indeed be a more peaceful place. Live your dreams (purpose) and gather a team.

    Oh, no! I’m a left-brainer by hand dominance, but I was a studio art major in college. And now I’m preaching good health to everyone (and my art supplies are gathering a little dust)! I really don’t belong anywhere, but I’m loving my “hobo” status nonetheless. 😉


  4. Rick Kaselj says:

    Toby, thanks for this honest article. A balance between style and substance would be ideal. Keep writing great stuff.

    Rick Kaselj
    of ExercisesForInjuries.com

  5. Toby B. says:

    Thanks for the comments, all. And yes, David, I do plenty of t-shirt designs! Happy to help however I can, just shoot me an email.

    And no worries, Liz. The most influential person in history didn’t really “fit in” anywhere, either, but still made one heck of a difference in the world 🙂


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