
Creating Athlete Buy-In with Joe Powell

How do you get athletes to like and trust you?

While most coaches are worried about exercise selection, technique and programs (which are all important), none of that matters if you can’t create athlete buy-in.

Unfortunately, many coaches think this is just about personality and most think their personality is a perfect fit for coaching.  While your personality is certainly an important factor, there is much more to it.

In the video below, Jim Kielbaso talks with Utah State Strength & Conditioning Coach Joe Powell about how he creates trust and buy-in.  Joe has the ability to make this happen, so he’s sharing some of his experiences and thoughts on the topic so that you can do the same.

To learn more about creating athlete buy-in, we strongly suggest you check out Brett Bartholomew’s course titled BOUGHT IN.  This is an in-depth, comprehensive course that will help you understand exactly how to create trust and buy-in with your athletes.  Click on the link or image below to get a free video and more information about Bought In.

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