
Conscious Coaching with Brett Bartholomew

Conscious Coaching by Brett BartholomewConscious Coaching: The Art & Science of Building Buy-In is the name of Brett Bartholomew’s new book, and it encapsulates years of coaching and research that has gotten Brett to this point in his coaching career.

In Conscious Coaching, Brett breaks down coaching into easy-to-understand parts so that we, as coaches, can be sure to address each one.  His research and thought processes are incredibly thorough, but his style is to keep things practical and understandable.  Conscious Coaching is a perfect mix of that.

He describes it best as “Developing a balance between the physical, psychological and cultural elements of sport is what truly comprises elite level performance.”

Readers learn the foundational principles of improving relationships, enhancing engagement, and gaining the trust of athletes through targeted communication. And, every bit as important, readers also learn concrete strategies to apply these principles in day-to-day coaching situations they will inevitably encounter.

Brett started his career as a college strength and conditioning coach at the University of Nebraska.  He also spent several years coaching, speaking and developing programs at Athletes Performance/EXOS where he was able to work with many elite athletes and host numerous mentorships and workshops for trainers/coaches.

He spent the last year running a private facility in Los Angeles, and is now striking out on his own with the release of Conscious Coaching.  We will provide a link for the book as soon as it’s available (scheduled for March 11th) so you can access it directly.

If you’re not familiar with Brett, this podcast pretty much sums him up.  Smart. Witty. Well-spoken.  Down to earth.  And a great coach.

If you ARE familiar with Brett, you’re going to love this conversation, and you’re definitely going to laugh when he does his “movie trailer voice impersonation.

Because everyone associated with the IYCA strives to make an impact on the people around them, learning the art of building buy-in couldn’t be more important.  That’s why Brett’s book Conscious Coaching is an absolute must for everyone in the IYCA community.  Click on the image of his book below to check it out.

Enjoy this episode of The Impact Show – The official podcast of the IYCA.

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