
Brian Sipotz on Getting Started in Sports Performance

Brian SipotzBrian Sipotz is the Owner of Advantage Strength & Conditioning in Ann Arbor, MI and a co-owner of www.HockeyStrengthAndConditioning.com.  When his professional hockey career ended, Brian wasn’t sure what was next.  By taking risks, meeting the right people and recognizing opportunities, he has created a growing business for himself and his young family.

Like many young professionals, Brian Sipotz was faced with many decisions as he set up his new business.  Unlike many others, however, he didn’t know how difficult it was going to be, so he moved forward without worrying about many of the things that would have stopped other coaches from pursuing their dreams.

Brian has a great story about getting started that can benefit anyone looking to make a change in their life.  You’ll appreciate his humility, transparency and thought process going into establishing his business.

Listen to Brian’s interview on the Impact Show – the official podcast of the IYCA – on the player below or listen on your phone by downloading the show from iTunes on your Podcast app or through any other podcast app you choose.  Subscribe to the Impact Show to make sure you never miss an episode.

Brian will be presenting at the 2017 IYCA Summit in Detroit, April 27-29.  Registration details will be available soon.

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