
Brett Bartholomew – “Valued” Webinar

Brett Bartholomew has quickly become the leading expert in helping coaches become better performers, leaders, and professionals.  He has made a huge impact on the sports performance industry, but his principles and methods are also being applied in corporations, government agencies, and small businesses.

Brett’s “Valued” course, is a little different than some of his other training programs.  In Valued, Brett has created a self-paced online course for coaches who want to land a job they’ve always wanted, make more money to provide their families with stability, and stand out within their organizations for all the right reasons.  A lot of coaches have discussions about this that turn into nothing more than complaining about why they aren’t paid more, respected more, or feel like they can do their job for their entire career.

Brett took a drastically different approach and spent over a year researching, learning, creating, and developing a curriculum to help you become the best version of your professional self.

He took some time to speak with Jim Kielbaso and a group of professionals on a live webinar where he laid out many of the most important pieces of this puzzle.  You can now watch the entire webinar with Brett Bartholomew right here:

You can get the entire Valued Course by going to ValuedCourse.com.  You can also hear Brett speak in-person at the IYCA Summit in metro-Detroit, MI April 24-25, 2020.


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