
An Invitation – From Myself and Gray Cook

You may recall a few weeks back when we hosted our first
‘Coffee, Tea and Talk’ event for all IYCA members.


No charge.


No strings attached.


No registration.


I know full well how little face time you get with some of the
industry ‘big dogs’ and even less interaction with the heads of
many other certification company’s.


And as silly as this may sound, the IYCA was created by
Coaches, for Coaches.


I’m not a ‘velvet rope’ kind of guy.


I don’t try to shield myself or my time from people because
I view myself as important or above anyone.


IYCA members are the best people in the industry.


You care about our movement and want to become part of our


So as promised, I am personally inviting you to another free
event because we care as much about you as you do about us.


On Friday July 18, I will be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in
Indianapolis for a very special reason.


Gray Cook and myself will be creating our landmark Functional
Movement Screen for Kids that weekend in a private closed door


But we’re going to open the doors starting at 7:00pm.


And yes…. You read that right.


Me AND Gray Cook will be available to sit, chat and discuss
anything you want pertaining to training, assessments, business
or program design.


This is an incredibly unique opportunity that is being extended
only to IYCA members.


Two of the industry’s best…


… Accessible in a way that virtually no one else will ever


My thanks to you for being part of our mission.



Crowne Plaza Hotel
Indianapolis, Indiana
7:00pm (local time)



I sincerely hope to see you there…


… And so does Gray Cook.





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