
6 Steps to Selling Out Your Summer Program – Brett Klika

We introduced Brett Klika to the IYCA community at the last Summit, and he has been incredibly excited about your passion ever since.  He did a fantastic presentation on youth fitness at the Summit, but his hands-on session was even more incredible.  What we also quickly found out about Brett was that he also loves talking about business strategies, just like many others in the IYCA community.  He came to the Sports Performance Business Academy and added tons of value to everyone who attended.  His combination of coaching, making a difference and business strategies are what makes Brett such a great fit for the IYCA and why we had to have him back on The Impact Show to share more of his knowledge.

In this episode, Brett shares his 6 Steps to Selling Out Your Summer Program, which could actually be used at any time of year in any business format.  The 6 Steps include:

  1. Knowing important dates
  2. Understanding your demographics
  3. Listening to the questions you’re being asked most often
  4. Crushing content year-round:  Establish Authority, Create Value & Solve Problems
  5. Being on-point with your administration
  6. How to properly distribute your materials

When you’re done listening to Brett, you’ll have pages of notes, but you’ll probably want even more.  Brett is now offering the IYCA community his virtual mentorship through the 6 Steps plus his 60 Ways to Play Program for just $39.  This is usually a $136 package, but Brett has been so excited about getting involved in the IYCA that he wants everyone to be able to benefit.

The virtual mentorship is basically Brett walking you step-by-step through his plan in much greater detail than he was able to to on the podcast (which was already pretty detailed).  The 60 Ways to Play plan gives you tons of great ideas for working with younger athletes including templates for Guided Discovery and Creative Discovery.

We get a lot of questions about this exact kind of information, and HERE IT IS!  Take advantage of it by going to:  https://brett-andrew-klika.mykajabi.com/a/4245/PwCEVpFq

Do yourself a favor and listen to Brett’s advice, then head to his page to pick up the special offer for the IYCA community.

You can also listen on your phone from the iTunes store at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-impact-show/id1113174240?mt=2#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Fjimkielbaso.com%2F%3Fp%3D3955


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