
3 Fitness Marketing Ideas When Working with Elementary Schools

3 Easy-to-Implement Fitness Marketing Ideas for Working with Elementary Schools

3 fitness marketing ideas when working with elementary schools: over 600 potential clients!

By Nicole Tegeler, MS, Head Coach at Xcel Fitness & Sport Performance

Youth fitness professionals I know often ask themselves, “What fitness marketing ideas for working with elementary schools actually work?” Today, I’m going to provide 3 easy-to-implement programs that can get your foot in the door at local elementary schools, exposing you to hundreds of prospective clients.

BIG IDEA: Do you want to be known as THE youth fitness expert to over 600 potential clients under one roof? This three-step fitness marketing tool will break down the guarded walls at your local schools and help you become exposed to over 600 potential clients!

WHAT: Three fitness marketing programs for youth fitness professionals to use at your local schools with the kids and teachers.

WHY: These marketing programs will help you gain youth and adult paying clients by helping the youth and teachers of the school first. This method breaks down the barriers at schools so you are welcomed in and can be trusted and known as the youth fitness expert in your area.

FOR: Elementary schools—these first two programs are for teachers to use to benefit the kids, and the third program is to benefit the teachers.


  • Supercharge the Brain to Learn with….”JumpStart Fitness for Kidz”
    This is a 10-minute program performed at the beginning of the school day in each teacher’s classroom. This exercise program is based on research that shows exercise before schools helps students be better learners at school and helps them test better.
  • “DeCharge, ReCharge, Recess”
    This is a program to help burn up some energy during recess time (in-doors) and recharge their brains to settle back down and absorb more information after recess. This is an extended version of the morning routine to keep it simple yet effective. Teachers have enough stress. These programs are designed to help alleviate some of that stress, help the kids learn more, and help the kids become more physically fit.
  • Free Lecture to Teachers on Express Fat Loss and Stress Reduction
    The youth fitness professional would go in for FREE, do a clinic with the teachers, and go through programs 1 & 2 (above). These would be very useful tools to help their students be better learners, receive fitness benefits, burn up some energy, make them be more alert in the classroom, and help the teachers during rainy/cold recess days. I have the format of the program designed and have tested it on all 600 kids. It works! I also give the teachers a handout and access to a video to view the routines.
    Next, you should offer a free lecture to the teachers that will explain how to lose fat fast and reduce stress. During the lecture, offer them your program on fat loss and stress reduction.

UPSELLS: Once you get your foot in the door, you can start looking for ways to begin generating revenue. Here are some ideas:

3 fitness marketing ideas when working with elementary schools: upsell a teachers bootcamp

  • Teacher’s Bootcamp: On-site or at your location
  • Fit Kids Club: For the after-school daycare program, this is a captive market, and they are already using soccer, gymnastics, etc. You can also host at your own location.

And there you have 3 fitness marketing ideas when working with elementary schools—a missed opportunity for most youth fitness professionals that could potentially revolutionize your business.

One Response

  1. Jack Fuller says:

    I think this is terrific!!

    How can I find out more specifics on the actual exercises and format of the program? Is this something you offer for sale?


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