
Archive for “Sport Art” Tag

Your Opinion on Children’s Fitness, Please…




Children’s Fitness… What Age?

I received a very interesting email yesterday regarding children’s fitness.


Dan Coyle, a freelance author who writes for the New York Times among
other publications, recently finished a new book he’d been writing.


He emailed to ask if I would read the manuscript and give him feedback.


I was honored to even be asked and of course said yes.


The book itself – and of course I can’t mention any details since it won’t
published until 2009 – has to do with children’s fitness and being exposed to various
aspects of sport, art, music and other stimulating activities in order to
ensure their proper development and the proper development of the
nervous system at large.


Very much in line with what I stand for in terms of early and multi-faceted
exposure to a wide variety of physical and cognitive stimulus.


Now here’s the interesting thing –


This is in direct contrast to many Fitness Professionals who believe that
you should never ‘train’ or ‘work with’ a child under the age of 12.


Clearly, I disagree for several reasons.


Now I’ve explained my reasons more than once and don’t want to take
up any space doing it again.


Instead, I want to know YOUR thoughts on the matter.


Over the next couple of days, I will take some of the responses I get
and discuss them in emails to you.


So what do you think?


Is early exposure important for children’s fitness or is 12 some kind of magical age we should
wait until?


Click below and let me know….


