

Ultimate Speed Mechanics

Ultimate Speed Mechanics

The IYCA’s Ultimate Speed Mechanics product walks you through the surprisingly simple process of teaching your athletes to be quicker and faster on the field by focusing on his or her acceleration, sprint and agility mechanics.

  • Video Breakdowns of Arm Action, Lower Body Mechanics and proven Speed Drills
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules on the foundation of speed mechanics, acceleration mechanics, the role of maximum velocity and proven agility techniques.
  • 2 Bonus Modules!

Click Here to Learn More About Ultimate Speed Mechanics

Ultimate Speed Drills

Ultimate Speed Drills

In this revolutionary product, acclaimed Coach Jim Keilbaso shows you the drills you need to improve, agility, quickness and multi-directional speed in every athlete. You’ll be taught how to re-program any athlete through drills that help your athletes master every athletic movement required for success in field and court sports, including:

  • Straight Ahead Speed Training Drills
  • Lateral Speed and Agility Training Drills
  • Group Training Speed Drills
  • Power Training Drills for Speed

Click Here to Learn More About Ultimate Speed Drills

Ultimate Jump Training

Ultimate Jump Training with CJ Easter

The IYCA’s Ultimate Jump Training Program is a resource for coaches who want to improve their athletes’ movement skills, explosiveness, mobility & stability. It is designed to be used on the court or field, so you can integrate it into your practice as part of your strength and conditioning program if you don’t have the time or means to get to a weight room. Ultimate Jump Training includes:

  • 6 Weeks of Done-For-You Jump Programming
  • Complete Jump Training Exercise Video Library
  • Ultimate Jump Training How-To-Guide

Click Here to Learn More About Ultimate Jump Training

Athletic Mindset Mastery

Athletic Mindset Mastery

The IYCA’s Athletic Mindset Mastery is truly a resource that must be in any coach’s library. Regardless of your athletes’ physical prowess, without the proper mindset their success will be limited. By integrating Mindset Training into your performance development plan you’ll not only make your training more complete for the athletes that you coach, but you’ll also be giving them the edge that not 1 in 100 other coaches are providing.

  • Module One: Understanding Sport Psychology And It’s Implications For Athletes
  • Module Two: Enhancing Mental Toughness and Performance
  • Module Three: Enhancing Health and Well-being
  • Module Four: Understanding Mental Disorders

Click Here to Learn More About Athletic Mindset Mastery

Big Book of Programs


Many of those individuals have gone on to have a great impact on dozens, hundreds and in some cases thousands of young athletes and applied IYCA inspired programming with athletes ranging from eager 6 year olds to Olympians, NFL, MLS and MLB players.With the IYCA Big Book of Programs we assembled an All-Star team of IYCA Coaches to provide you with 50 step-by-step training program for both Adolescent and Pre-Adolescent athletes.

These programs cover entire day-by-day training sessions and the specifics you need to know to deliver highly effective programs.

Click Here to Learn More About the Big Book of Programs

Game Play Performance

IYCA's Game Play Performance by Dave Jack and David Gleason

Two World Class Coaches – Dave Jack and Dave Gleason, have come together to bring you the IYCA’s Game Play Performance.Game Play Performance was produced with 2 distinct purposes in mind:

  1. Providing you with the practical knowledge to infuse games into your performance training today…and much more importantly…
  2. Giving you the tools to create and share effective game play activities.

You will be provided with specific games you can introduce in your training and coaching sessions…PLUS…

…you will soon be able to understand and utilize the concepts and philosophies contained in this product to build your own games.

Click Here to Learn More About Game Play Performance

Program Design System

Program Design System

The IYCA Program Design give you the tools you need to ensure that all your hard work yields the results you want in developing your athletes.

  • How to utilize periodization for sustained strength and speed gains.
  • Each component the ideal training session and how to sequence them for optimal results.
  • The predominant factors in building stronger, more explosive athletes and THE blueprint for teaching them.
  • The secrets to maximizing the ability of ALL your athletes.
  • A blueprint for becoming a Better Coach & getting Better Results.
  • Proven templates for creating programs for ordinary to elite high school athletes.
  • A library of EVERY exercise you need for effective program design.
  • The step-by-step system that will allow you to finally maximize the performance of each and every athlete you coach.

Click Here to Learn More About the Program Design System

Power Evolution

Power Evolution 350

In this new resource, acclaimed Strength Coaches Robert Dos Remidos and Wil Fleming show you step by step how to develop more powerful, explosive athletes.You’ll be taught how to re-program your athletes with the specific movements, techniques and proven training programs you need to develop maximum power.

In Power Evolution you’ll discover:

  • Why power training isn’t all a combination of Olympic lifts and plyos for low reps.
  • Coach Dos and Wil’s Top 65 Movements/Exercises demonstrated on video.
  • Dozens of variations with different tools to keep your programs fresh and have the right progression for every situation and every athlete.
  • Exactly why training for power MUST be included in an athlete’s program.
  • The 3 Classes of training for power (Heavy, Light, and Unloaded) how to use each type, what implement to use with each type, and why training with ALL 3 classes is vital to a program.
  • Innovative ways to use power training from Coach Dos, including complexes and intervals for some of the hardest training sessions imaginable.
  • Much, much more!

Click Here to Learn More About Power Evolution