
SpeedCert2 Video Download

Speed & Agility Specialist Level 2 Download Page

The videos from the live Speed & Agility Specialist – Level 2 certification event are below along with a pdf of the corresponding manual. You make click on each title to download the files. Please note that the video files are quite large and may take a while for the file to download or the player to load – your patience is appreciated.

Click Here to Download the Speed Cert Level 2 Manual

Video 1:  Introduction (8:50)

Video 2 (41:52)

Video 3:  Project 1 (1:34:29)

Video 4:  Project 2-3 (48:49)

Video 5:  Project 4-5 (1:10:59)

Video 6:  Project 6-7 (32:55)

Video 7:  Project 8-9 (23:52)

Video 8:  Project 10 + Tag Games (51:25)

Video 9:  Questions and Closing (27:22)