
olympic-lifts Sales

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]Earn Valuable Credentials, Precious CEU’s and Increase
Your Knowledge Within The Greatest Sport Performance
Training Techniques That Will Have Your Young Athletes’
On-Field Play Explode![/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

Your Blueprint for Learning Everything About Olympic Lift Training, Technique Instruction, Programming and Adjunct Exercise Selection…


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[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]Olympic Lifting… The GREATEST Strength, Speed & Power Training Tool?[/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

Stack up every single one of the ‘training methods’ you can think of for young athletes:

  • Power Lifting
  • Strong Man
  • ‘Functional’
  • Speed & Agility Work
  • HIIT

Nothing (absolutely NOTHING) comes close to getting better results in terms of Strength, Speed and Power than Olympic Lift Training.

Young athletes learn to ‘summate forces’.

They learn to explode through a ‘triple extension’.

They understand how to produce force, control force and decelerate force.

They become undeniably more fluid in general.

And without question, these training benefits apply to absolutely every sport and every position:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Hockey
  • Track and Field
  • Figure Skating


[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]Either You Use Olympic Lifts or You Want To… But You Just Don’t Know Enough To Use Them Effectively [/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

That’s not intended to be a ‘shot’ at you, my friend.

It’s just a fact.

And as I have stated in countless articles, blog posts, seminars and webinars over the past number of years, I belong in the exact same category as you.

Until very recently.

The contents of this Instructor Course is what has changed the balance for me.

I learned exactly how to teach the Olympic Lifts from the ground up:

  • Body Position
  • Grip Accuracy
  • Starting Phase
  • Acceleration
  • Catch

I learned how and when to progress my young athletes so they were reaping as many Strength, Speed and Power gains as they possibly could:

  • Above the Knee Pull
  • Below the Knee Pull
  • ½ Pulls
  • Partial Reps

I also learned the precise Mobility, Flexibility and Adjunct Exercise Selection necessary to make sure the Olympic Lift training I was programming was safe and effective:

  • Wrist Extension
  • Thoracic Mobility
  • RDL Progressions
  • Squat Sequence
  • Bar Warm-Up Skills

I learned absolutely EVERYTHING I needed to know in order to program for, teach and progress Olympic Lifts properly with my own young athletes:

  • Understand Exactly How to Teach Olympic Lift Technique
  • Have a Progressive System that Matches Specific Exercises with Your Young Athletes Ability (meeting them where they stand now)
  • Create Built-In Progressions and Regressions
  • Learn How and When Olympic Lift Training Inserts Into a Training Session, Cycle, In or Off Season Plan


Become An Endorsed ‘Olympic Lift Instructor’ Right Now… And The ONLY Choice For The Young Athletes In Your Community!


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[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]What Will You Actually Learn With the Olympic Lift Instructor Course?[/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

Olympic Lifting: Background & History

The Olympic lifts are the most explosive and dynamic demonstration of force in which an athlete can participate. It is important to have established, an effective, efficient, and safe way to teach athletes to Olympic lift. Athletes can be taught at any stage to lift well, with proper technique using the methods outlined in this course…

Benefits: Increases in Rate of Force Development

The primary reason to Olympic lift for sport performance is the associated increase in explosive power, or rate of force production. In sporting events, power generation is one of the most important determinants of success.  Movements like sprinting and jumping are highly dependent on an athlete’s ability to produce power and to produce power at a high rate…

Muscle Hypertrophy: The Gains in Size & Strength

Athletes partaking in a program of Olympic lifting will also see an increase in Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers.  Increased stimulation of type II muscle fibers through Olympic lifting is the cause of hypertrophy.  Type II muscle fibers compose most higher threshold motor units and therefore are the most likely to be utilized during Olympic lifting…

Increases in Motor Control

Of great importance to athletes is the ability to move in the proper sequences to complete a movement. Athletes swinging a bat, jumping, sprinting, etc must generate movement from the center of the body outwards towards the extremities…

When to Start Olympic Lift Training

The first introduction to using the Olympic lifts for most athletes is typically in the transformation period, at age 14 or greater. The introduction is usually associated with an athlete’s first experience in their high school’s weight room.  This is an appropriate time to begin using Olympic lift teaching progressions to train the athletes. Athletes at a younger age than 14 can begin resistance training with Olympic lifts to a great effect and to great benefit of the athlete if the athlete is a part of a supervised and well coached training program.  In the former Soviet Union athletes were selected for training in Olympic lifting at age 12, and began formal training at age 13-14…

Progressions Over Time

Athletes from both ages 10-13 and 14+ should prior to beginning training should have a thorough assessment to determine their readiness for training with the Olympic lifts. Of primary importance is determination of the athlete’s ability to reach the positions necessary to complete safe lifts…

Teaching Progressions: Essential Skill Sets

To best teach the Olympic lifts a systemized progression of teaching methods must be used. For any athlete the requisite time must be spent on learning movements such as the RDL, Squat, and plyometrics.  Athletes must be physically prepared to begin learning Olympic lift movements…

[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]Learn Everything you Need to Know About Olympic Lift Training & Instruction for Young Athletes… And Watch Their On-Field Success Soar![/headline_tahoma_small_centered]
Olympic Lifts


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[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]My Own Personal Olympic Lift Guru and Coach…[/headline_tahoma_small_centered] [headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#CC0000″]… And the Man Responsible for Creating This Amazing Instructor Course[/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

Wil Fleming
Wil Fleming

Wil Fleming is the Co-Owner and Director of Athlete Performance at Athletic Revolution in Bloomington, Indiana. His systems of athletic development have helped countless athletes achieve to their highest levels and have helped countless others on their journey to great performances.

Wil Fleming earned All-State honors in multiple sports while competing in high school. He went on to attend Indiana University to pursue track and field. His career culminated at the collegiate level with Wil earning All-American status in Track and Field. A graduate of Indiana University, Wil received his bachelor’s of science in Nutrition Science. Wil is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, as well as holding his credentials as a Youth Fitness Specialist from the International Youth Conditioning Association.



[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]What’s Inside the IYCA Olympic Lift Instructor Course?[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered] [textbar_75percent_2_left]A 2 DVD Set[/textbar_75percent_2_left]

IYCA High School Strength & conditioning Coach Certification

  • Complete Technical Instruction: “How To: From Start to Finish
  • Adjunct Mobility, Flexibility and Torso Exercise Demos
  • Lift Progressions, Regressions and Associated Exercise Needs


[textbar_75percent_2_left]Olympic Lift Instructor Course Manual[/textbar_75percent_2_left]

IYCA High School Strength & conditioning Coach Certification

  • “How To” For Muscle Hypertrophy, Increases in Force & Gains in Strength
  • Necessary Skill Sets & Essential Coaching Tools
  • When To Start With Olympic Lifts & Coordination Development


[textbar_75percent_2_left]Online Exam[/textbar_75percent_2_left]

IYCA High School Strength & conditioning Coach Certification

  • Complete the exam from the comfort of your own home or office
  • Instant Results – no waiting!
  • Available 24/7 – instant access when it’s most convenient for YOU!



[guarantee_box_1 title=”Our 365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”]

“Test drive” the IYCA Olympic Lift Instructor Course for the next 365 days with absolutely no risk. Discover how you can use this incredible tool to gain a competitive edge over your coaching rivals. You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied satisfied, you can simply contact us and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.


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[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]Olympic Lift Training Is The Key To Your Young Athletes Getting Stronger, Faster & More Powerful…[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered] [headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#CC0000″]…It’s Also YOUR Key To Finally Being Able To Use The Most Incredible Training System On The Planet & Having Every Single Young Athlete In Your Community Knocking Down Your Door![/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]


olympic lifts


** Click Here Right Now **


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Make today great,


Julie Hatfield
IYCA Executive Director


P.S. – Created by one of the most successful, prominent and well-known ‘Olympic Lift’ Coaches in the world… This Instructor Course will give you incredible insight on exactly how to teach, progress, program for and utilize Olympic Lift training with your young athletes: Click Here Now

P.P.S -An ironclad 365 day money-back guarantee ensures that this is a 100% Risk-Free opportunity for you… Don’t Delay: Click Here Right Now!

P.P.P.S – Earn incredibly valuable CEU’s (towards your current IYCA certifications) and gain a credential that will make a tremendous difference in your career:

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