Coaching Young Athletes Based on yesterday’s post, let me say this…
(1) Linear acceleration.
(2) Olympic Lift Technique.
Those were my two greatest deficits as a Coach.
I just didn’t understand Linear Acceleration mechanically, they way I wanted to.
Until I met Lee Taft.
What he taught me about Plyo-Steps and mechanical force production changed everything about my ability to coach Speed.
Same holds true for Olympic Lift Technique.
I loved using ‘Oly Lifts’ when coaching young athletes.
I adored the power gains I saw and the raw strength that was being gained.
But until I met Wil Fleming, I really didn’t understand:
(1) Proper Application of Technique
(2) Subtle Technique Management
(3) Progressions & Regressions
(4) Programming
(5) Advanced Movements
The years I’ve spent asking questions and watching Will coach have been some of the most worthwhile in my life.
And if I can admit to having weaknesses, why shouldn’t you?
You’ll find out the reasons I’m bringing this all up tomorrow…
– Brian