
IYCA Method


How About A Method for Training Young Athletes That Is 100% Guaranteed to Produce Staggering Results for Every Single Athlete or Team… No Matter What Sport They Play?

How much could your young athletes benefit from a proven approach that gives you a complete roadmap for developing speed, strength and athletic ability no matter what sport, age or level of athlete?

Training Manual Reveal The Truth About Developing Young Athletes for Only $7.

For years now, the IYCA has been the leading educational organization in regard developing young athletes. In that time, the world of youth athletics has become unbelievably competitive.

In fact, the Wall Street Journal recently reported that over $4 BILLION a year are spent on personalized training and coaching for young athletes in the United States alone.

That shows you how much people want young athletes to succeed.

And while success now is fun, it’s much more important to look towards the future and provide the necessary tools for them to succeed when it counts.

Believe it or not, that future success isn’t rooted in a young athlete’s ability to master the curve ball, earn the most effective methods of taking a 3-step drop or discovering the secret strategies of how to perform a perfect bicycle kick.

The undeniable fact is that speed, strength, agility and athletic skill are the absolute cornerstones to any young athlete’s success.

You can easily make the argument that the best soccer, tennis or football players who can execute the specific skills of a sport to perfection would still have mediocre success in the absence of quality speed, strength, agility and athletic skill in order to make the plays necessary to win.

The reality is that you must ensure young athletes are firing on all cylinders as the fastest, strongest and most agile youngster in your league or region.

And the best way to do that is by using training concepts that have been successfully field-tested on more than 100,000 young athletes throughout the world.

The IYCA Method

Too many young athletes don’t get near the results they deserve and certainly don’t reap the benefits from all their hard work.

But there’s usually a reason for this…

…Time and improper training methods.

Young athletes just don’t have the time to go to four practices a week, play in three games, do all their homework, enjoy some kind of social life and STILL be able to work hard in the typical 90 minute training sessions that every coach and trainer seems to feel is necessary to enhance performance… and they certainly won’t optimally improve from this kind of training program.

But the reality is they don’t have to.

In fact…


A successful and optimal athletic career is based on knowing ‘how much of’ and ‘what kind of’ training is going to result in the greatest impact on your young athlete’s ability.

And if you’ve been convinced that 3-4 training sessions per week are necessary in order to turn your young athlete into a champion, then you have been convinced wrong!

Effectively training young athletes is all about knowing the proper prescription for exercise and knowing exactly when to add it.

Because of this we’ve decided to release The IYCA Method.

The IYCA Method is a 100 page manual that details the right way to develop young athletes to maximize performance and minimize the chance of injury.

In it you’ll discover

How To Prevent Costly Injuries:

  • The 4-tiered problem with ACL tears
  • How to Train pitchers & other throwing athletes


The Secrets to Sport Specific Performance:

  • How to classify and train young athletes by sport
  • Why vision training is 100% necessary


What’s Destroying Athletes & How to Fix It:

  • Why plyometrics are all wrong
  • How 2 million injuries could be prevented annually


The Truth About:

  • Endurance Training
  • Periodization
  • Flexibility
  • Early Specialization


…And Much, Much More!

The IYCA Method is your crash course on effective, sound youth athletic development.

Why It’s Just $7

We’re only charging $7 for this downloadable manual for 2 reasons.

  • $7 puts the manual within reach of the vast majority of people. It’s not too expensive for most any trainer, coach or parent who wants to learn about sound youth athletic development.
  • We believe that if you’re at all serious about becoming more knowledgeable about effectively developing young athletes you will invest $7 into this manual and take the time to use the methods laid out inside.


So if you’re serious about becoming a better coach or helping young athletes maximize their performance and minimize the chance of injury, click the “Add to Cart” button below.

Our Guarantee

If for any reason you don’t think that The IYCA Method isn’t a great investment, we’ll gladly give you a full refund – No Questions Asked.

Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to get instant access to your digital copy of The IYCA Method Risk-Free for just $7…

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Dedicated to  Your Success,

Pat RigsbyPat Rigsby


Pat Rigsby
International Youth Conditioning Association