
How to Create High School Training Systems


Before you read how I created a High School Training System that became one of the most successful in the country, I want to invite you to this landmark event:


Wednesday January 19
7:30pm (EST


“The High School Training Manifesto”


A LIVE audio with my special guests:


high school training


3 of the very best and most successful High School Strength Coaches in the world are going to share all their secrets with you…


Just click below and register for NO CHARGE:



—> https://iyca.org/highschool/




It couldn’t be about what I wanted.


It had to be about what was possible.


That was a programming lesson I had learned many years ago while Head Strength Coach for the United States National Synchronized Skating Team.


At least 3 or 4 times a year, I would find myself in a hotel banquet hall somewhere in Europe.


24 high level figure skaters; no equipment; 30 minutes.


Programming is almost never utopia.


You absolutely must make the best out of the situation you’re handed.


And that is what seems to separate great Coaches from good ones.


Of course I know ‘what’s best’.


Without question I wanted to do it ‘my way’.


But here was the scenario:


1) 98 football players
2) Freshman (14 years old) through Seniors (18 years old)
3) 5:30am, 5 days per week for 2 months in the summer
4) 3 hour practice (my portion came in the last 30 minutes)


High school training systems are about taking what you’ve got, understanding the realities, knowing what’s best and then turning out what makes MOST sense.


What ‘I’ve got’ is listed above.


Now, here’s a list of the ‘realities’ I had to come to terms with:


1) Too many athletes for me to teach well or watch with purpose
2) A literal Boy versus Man nightmare.  The diversity in skill and ability was incredible.
3) 5:30am in the summer… These kids were going to be tired – everyday.
4) Very little time and at the tail end of a 2.5 minute practice in the humidity


Next, what I know to be true:


1) Without time to assess, I know that most teenagers have hip and thoracic mobility issues.
2) Freshmen and Seniors needed to be separated.
3) Fatigue management and hydration would have to be monitored and prioritized.
4) A skill-based rotating schedule had to be introduced.


My priorities for programming became:


1) Concentration on Mobility, Weight Room Skill, Tissue Quality
2) A specifically designed Freshman plan that was introductory and developmental
3) Scheduled water-breaks within the 30 minutes
4) Sub-split into positional specific time frames to isolate quality teaching



Tomorrow, I’m going to shed more light on the specifics of the program and tell you how effective it was.


And  just so you know, next week (Tuesday January 25) I’m releasing my brand new IYCA Certification:


high school training Strength & Conditioning Coach’


I’ll explain more about that later on this week.



– Brian


P.S. – Learn from the very best with my NO CHARGE invitation…


Wednesday January 19

7:30pm (EST)


Eric Cressey
Mike Robertson
Wil Fleming


Register (for no charge) right now —> https://iyca.org/highschool/



7 Responses

  1. Mike Pickles says:

    I’ve tried all day to submit my name and email to register for tomorrow’s audio call and it keeps saying unable to process.

  2. Mathew says:

    I think it said on the sign up form this would be emailed out, is that correct?

  3. admin says:

    Hi Mike,

    I’ve gone ahead and registered you. You should have the information in your inbox.

  4. admin says:

    If you are unable to attend, we will send a link to the replay through our newsletter.

  5. Pat says:

    I’ve tried to sign up as well and am having difficulty. Is there any other way to sign up?

  6. admin says:

    Hi Pat,

    I’ve registered you – you should have a confirmation in your email.

  7. Bob Topp says:

    Could I please get a transcript?

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