
Getting Started

Getting Started with the IYCA

Welcome to the International Youth Conditioning Association!

Click Here Now to Read About the Opportunities We Have For You

We are a young, dynamic and energetic organization comprised of Fitness Professionals, Allied Health and Medical Professionals, Professional and Volunteer Youth Sport Coaches as well as Parents from all over the world.

Our mission is simple, yet incredibly critical in changing the landscape of youth fitness and sport participation globally –
To elevate the education, ability, inspiration and leadership of those involved in youth fitness and sport in order to create a more positive, developmentally-appropriate and action oriented platform on which to counter the dangers of youth obesity and instill proper training systems into the lives of young athletes for the virtues of both injury prevention and sports performance.

We are in partnership with major health, fitness, medical and sporting organizations throughout the world, including –

:: Children’s Memorial Hospital
:: Sport in Action Program of Zambia
:: Millennium Institute of Sport and Health, New Zealand
:: PT Academy of Australia
:: Life Time Fitness, USA

The IYCA contains three distinctive paths for you to consider:

1) Youth Fitness Specialist – Certification Education (YFS) If you work in the fitness or sport industry with children, adolescents or young athletes of any age, the YFS Certification Educational Series is for you.Our YFS Certification is a 4-tiered educational pathway that has been created by some of the most well-known and decorated professionals within the fitness, sport and medical communities.Your Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist certification can be found here –
Youth Fitness Certification
Youth Fitness Specialist - Level 1
2) Complete Athlete Development – Sport Performance (CAD)Our CAD program is a stand alone resource that will provide you with a broad-based look at how to train young athletes of all ages and any sport.Topics include -:: Speed and Agility Training
:: Strength Training
:: Coordination Development
:: Flexibility Training
:: Program Design and Implementation

This system includes over 120 exercise photographs, sample programs and more than 3 hoursof DVD footage for easy understanding and implementation.

Not a certification, this program is best suited for Sport Coaches and Parents of young athletes.Your Complete Athlete Development System can be found here – www.CompleteAthleteDevelopment.com

3) Youth Fitness Solution – Address Obesity and Inactivity in Youth If you are concerned about the problems associated with youth obesity and inactivity and require practical and easy-to-implement solutions, this resource is absolutely perfect for you.Authored by IYCA Founder Brian Grasso, this program and guidebook is an ideal resource for Fitness Professionals, MedicalProfessionals and Parents.Your Youth Fitness Solution resource can be found here –
If you would like to see what countless professionals and organizations worldwide feel about the IYCA and our work, please click below – View Our Testimonials