
Hidden Summit Video Clips

2009 Trailer

2010 Clips

Lee Taft

Pat Rigsby

Brian Grasso

2010 Summit – Digital Access

2010 Summit Slide Presentations
Right click above and “Save As” to download each power point presentation



2010 Summit Presentations
Right click the title and “Save As” to download each video presentation

Lee Taft

Pat Rigsby – Opportunities You’re Missing

Brian Grasso

Kim McCullough

BJ Gaddour

Nick Berry – Myths & Truths of Youth Fitness Business

David Gleason – Youth Training: A Look From the Trenches

Kwame Brown – Creating Fitness Games for Fun

Wil Fleming & Ryan Ketchum – Olympic Lifting Progressions

Pamela MacElree & Jason C. Brown – Kettlebell Progressions for Kids

David Schmitz & BJ Gaddour- How to Become a Bootcamp Rockstar

Calro Avarez – Developing the High School Athlete

David Jack – Culture of Coaching

Toby Brooks – College Athletics: What Are You Missing?

Chris Mohr – Dietary Supplements: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



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