
CEU Category 2 Overview and Application for Providers

Procedure for Approving Category 2 CEUs (NON-IYCA Programming CEUs)


The CEU Provider Program is a tool for reaching professionals and experts world-wide. The provider of a CEU-approved event or activity will benefit by contributing significantly to the overall success of the event.

Here are a few reasons to consider applying to the IYCA CEU Provider Program:

  • Credibility
    Receiving approval increases the stature of your educational event or activity because it signifies that it represents the standards of the IYCA for continuing education. The IYCA is the only organization that focuses on pediatric fitness and performance.
  • Access to Market
    In order for the IYCA credentialed to remain in good standing, they must acquire 12-16 CEUs in a two year period. As a CEU Provider Program, you will draw the interest of many IYCA Credentialed individuals looking to fill their required CEUs.
  • Promotional Assistance
    The IYCA assists with the promotion of your event or activity through Web exposure on The IYCA CEU Provider Site.

How it Works:

The IYCA reviews each event or activity (Homestudy Course/Workshop/Convention) to determine the number of CEUs applicable based upon the content and number of contact hours for each event or activity (1 hour= 0.5 CEU, in most cases). CEUs are awarded for hours of education only. Workout sessions, lunch breaks, registration, social gatherings, or other breaks are not considered hours of education and will not qualify for CEU designation.


  1. Access to all course materials must be granted for review either by mail or electronically
  2. An hour by hour description/agenda must accompany the course material
  3. Course marketing materials are to be submitted with the application
  4. Provide CEU Provider-Application four weeks prior to the event, homestudy, workshop, etc.
  5. Submission of $50 Base Application Fee (PURCHASE APPLICATION HERE)
  6. Email Completed Application to CEU@iyca.org
  7. An additional $10.00 fee per 1.0 CEUs granted (Once Determined by IYCA CEU Committee)

Qualifying Activities & Application

  1. Must meet the standards of The IYCA CEU policy and Program and The IYCA CEU-Provider-Acceptance-Committee
  2. Presenters must possess relevant experience, education and certification on the topic/course/home-study they are presenting.
  3. The IYCA must receive a completed application with all required documents before the event or activity will be reviewed. Allow fours weeks for the application to be processed.
  4. Must submit the Application Fee
Base Application Fee $50.00
Additional Fee Per Approved 1.0 Contact Hour $10.00


Approval Standards:

  1. The IYCA reserves the right to deny approval status for any events or activities that do not comply with the best interests of The IYCA Certified professionals and members.
  2. It is the policy of The IYCA to deny CEU approval for events and activities that are not founded or based on evidence-based scientific research. In addition, activities that are duplicative of The IYCA’s events and offerings may not be approved.
  3. Events and Activities that compete with The IYCA may not be approved

Types of Courses typically Approved (Adult Fitness, Youth Fitness and Fitness Business)

  • Workshop/Seminar
  • Conference
  • Home Study

Award Certificate

Once the event or activity is approved, the provider will receive an award certificate specifying the number of CEUs that can be earned as The IYCA credential holders. The award certificate with hold a approval number for that particular activity.


Each participating IYCA Credential holder must receive documentation that verifies the individual’s participation (including the participant’s name and approval number). It is up to each IYCA credential holder to report and document his/her CEUs to turn in during the reporting Period.

If you need help, please contact ceu@iyca.org.


Purchase Application