

Welcome to the IYCA Referral Partner Program!


Dear Referral Partner,

We’re very excited to partner with you to promote the outstanding line of IYCA products and programs!

Our mission is…

“To assist in the evolution of the youth athletic/fitness industry by regulating the knowledge and skill of the individuals who work within it.”

The IYCA is a certification-based outfit offering the finest educational certificate programs in the realm of youth athletic development and fitness.  With your help, we can make positive impacts in the lives of millions of kids around the world.  And, the best part is, you’ll make outstanding commissions doing something really great for our society.  🙂

In an effort to get you started on a successful track, I will be contacting you to set-up a brief phone call to answer any questions you may have, discuss promotion ideas, as well as upcoming product launches.

In the meantime, the best way to start growing your list and getting them “cookied” to your referral partner account is to have them check out The Ultimate Athletic Development Playbook.

In this 50+ page eBook (our highest converting opt-in gift to date), the IYCA shares their most closely guarded secrets about developing young athletes.  In this book you’re readers will discover:

Little Known Methods for Training Explosive Strength for High School Athletes

  • The Proven System For Making Your Athletes Faster
  • The Secret Benefits Of Various Training Tools That Your Competition Doesn’t Know About…But Now You Will
  • How You Can Integrate Flexibility and Mobility Work Into Your Programs For Maximum Results
  • What 95% Of All Coaches Don’t Know About Program Design…and How You Can Be In The Top 5% That Do

Dozens Of Strategies To Becoming A Better, More Effective Coach

And Much, Much More!

Your readers are going to love The Ultimate Athletic Development Playbook!  Like I said, it’s our most downloaded opt-in gift to date!

Once your reader lands on the squeeze page they will be “cookied” to your account for 90 days – meaning, if they purchase any IYCA product at any time during that 90-day window you will receive a commission, even if they didn’t purchase the product through your link!   By the way, that “cookie” resets for another 90 days every time they land on a future opt-in page or make a purchase through your link.  J

By now you should have received an email from me with your:

  • Referral Partner login information
  • Your Referral Partner link for The Ultimate Athletic Development Playbook
  • Done-for-You Email Swipe Files to promote The Ultimate Athletic Development Playbook

Let’s get you your first big commission check ASAP!


Justin Yule
IYCA Referral Partner Manager