Youth Speed Training Mistakes
Everyone claims to be an ‘expert’ don’t they?
It’s the one title that I truly can’t stand.
And I say that because there are very few real experts in the industry of
fitness and sports training.
Gray Cook comes to mind as one of them.
So to does Alwyn Cosgrove, Al Vermeil and Carlo Alvarez.
Experts all.
Easy to spot on expert, too. They’re the ones who have a major track record
of success when it comes to training athletes, but are also ALWAYS on the
lookout for stuff they don’t know.
Lifelong learners.
That to me is what defines an ‘expert’.
The greatest expert I know in terms of youth speed training and agility training is a man that
I am 100% sure you know.
Lee Taft.
When he hit the mainstream portion of this industry five years ago with his
‘Groundbreaking Techniques’ DVD, he literally caused every Trainer and Coach
the world over to reconsider how they taught and trained speed to young
Lee and I have been close friends for years now and I can’t think of a Coach who
I respect more in this industry.
That’s why I’m overjoyed to be telling you first of our plans…..
Lee and myself have teamed up and created an absolutely mind-blowing certification
through the IYCA:
Speed & Agility Specialist – Level 1
It is a truly amazing course that promises you an incredible inside look into the
training systems that Lee and I have used for years to make our young athletes
the absolute fastest and most agile in the game.
We’re launching our Speed & Agility Specialist Level 1 certification at a live
event in Chicago, Illinois this coming July.
Only 50 people will gain entrance due to facility space limitations.
I’ll have more information for you tomorrow on the certification course itself.
And on Tuesday, I’ll open the doors to the first 50 people who want to attend this youth speed training event.
Lee told me just last week that Coaches and Trainers worldwide have been
hounding him for YEARS to put together a certification… Well now he has!
And those 50 spots will most certainly go very fast.
More details tomorrow….
– Brian
This sounds just like something I’ve been looking for… can’t wait to hear more!
Please…. let it be after July 21st and I’m there.
Oh Barrie…. I’m so sorry 🙁