<body><h1>Youth Fitness and how it could be your future.
</h1>Have you ever been to a standard fitness or sport training conference?
If so, you likely walked away with some good information.
And while that’s great, I always say that the fitness and sport training industry is moving from the age of INFORMATION to the age of INSPIRATION.
You can get INFORMATION anywhere… Including while attending conferences.
But how often do you walk away INSPIRED to take immediate action on what you just saw and heard?
More over, have you EVER walked away saying stuff like this…
Those video clips were taken at the last conference the IYCA <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Youth Fitness </span>held right here in Chicago.
“… I consider the event priceless…”
“… One of the best things I have done in my 28 year career…”
Those are great success stories and I am very proud of what we INSPIRED people to do that day.
The IYCA recently presented a seminar in New York City as well.
Check out how unbelievably excited and INSPIRED this fitness professional was…
I personally get emotional every time I look or even think about this next video.
It makes me realize that I am truly in the right profession and that so many others share the same passion as I do.
And honestly… I have NEVER seen anything like this before:
We (you and I) are the Future of Youth Fitness my friend.
I find it fascinating that you came to the same realization that I did about our kid coaching system,or lack of!
I saw the same thing in 1998 when I was learning to coach speedskating,for the under 19 crowd.
Now I’m watching the same thing with patients 11 yr’s. oldin soccer.
Also with the “coach’es” for my kids lacrosse team in high school.
Lack of training knowledge combined with “I played in collage” just does’t make a good combination.
Keep up the good work and I’m looking foward to learning what you have put together.
Dr. Tim
I hear you Tim!
‘Playing in college’ can be a curse more than anything else sometimes.
Thanks for the feedback!
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