How Valuable is the Youth Fitness Specialist Certification?
“I’ve been hired by parents from towns from as far as 20 miles away, created Charity
programs with my local Boys Club, created a name for myself in Athletic Development
through my community and thankfully, due to the revenue incurred from my
accelerated skills through the IYCA, am opening my first training center in January.
This is what I’ve accomplished with my Youth Fitness Specialist certification and this
is what it will do for you”
That’s a testimonial Robert Belley wrote for me over 12 months ago.
His career has absolutely exploded.
When I asked Robert to explain to you a bit more about his thoughts on the IYCA
and what it means to him, he was kind enough to record a short audio for you to
listen to.
Click ‘Play’ on the audio player below and listen to what this man has to say:
His passion is absolutely amazing to me.
And he refuses to just sit back and be content with a single serving of the IYCA.
Robert is an ‘up the ladder’ kind of guy…
… And his career success is proof that this kind of mentality works.
Tomorrow is your final opportunity to receive our newly revised
‘Level 2 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification for a full $50 off.
I strongly suggest you consider Robert Belley when deciding if you’re ready
to start climbing the IYCA ladder.
Here’s your link:
Level 2 – Youth Fitness Specialist – Click Here Now
‘Till next time,
P.S. – I received an email from IYCA Member Aaron Larmore today.
Aaron, like Robert, was one of our first ever graduates.
He traveled from Iowa to Illinois in order to attend our first ever Level 1 seminar
as well.
He then made the trek back here for our ‘Coffee, Tea and Talk’ get together
a few weeks back.
He emailed to say that he was making the trip from Iowa to Indiana in order to
participate in our second ‘Coffee, Tea and Talk’ get together this coming weekend.
Aaron just opened his very first training center and already is FLOODED with
young athletes to train.
Are you seeing a trend?
Here’s that link again –
Level 2 – Youth Fitness Specialist – Click Here Now
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