What you’re about to see is one of the final phases of a system for
teaching speed and agility to improve youth athletic development.
You start youth athletic development by Introducing ‘Skill Sets’.
You then Teach ‘Deceleration Techniques’ through the Principles
of Movement.
You then Integrate these techniques into a functional and
specific format.
It is progressive and systems oriented.
And it works.
Notice how I coach as my athletes are working.
I stop to show and explain what was right and what was wrong.
Coaching is an art.
It is a never ending process of correction and affirmation in youth athletic development.
Here’s that video –
Crisp, clean and direct.
Now that is the culmination of a progressive speed training system.
1) Introduce
2) Teach
3) Integrate
It doesn’t get easier than that and yet still, very few Coaches and Trainers do it right.
I’m not going to bother you with ‘testimonials’ or a ‘sales ad’ here.
Just click the link below and look hard at my Complete Athlete Development system.
The ‘How To’ for developing young athletes from 6 – 18 years old.
Including this Speed and Agility progressive system.
With a guaranteed money back stipulation, you have absolutely nothing
to lose.
Here’s your exclusive link –
Complete Athlete Development – Click Here and See For Yourself
This program looks great! I’m very excited to see people trying to help kids be better athletes in a functional way! I think you’re doing a wonderful job!