Youth Fitness
Summer is the ‘make or break’ time of year.
Without a strong summer of youth fitness or sport training camps working effectively on all levels, you can literally kiss your business progress goodbye.
June, July and August represent your greatest potential to have a revenue spike.
They are the months that will see the most number of new young clients walk through your door (at least hopefully).
They are when the seeds will be sown for your business success the remaining nine months of the year.
And yet every single year at this time, mistakes are being made.
I guarantee that you are making mistakes yourself.
Here are the ‘Top 5’ things you need to be concerned about:
1) Set Logistics Now
If you don’t already have your summer youth training programs set in terms of price, location, duration and time, you are WAY behind —
As I type this, parents are looking to register their kids into a summer program and won’t wait until school’s out to get that organized.
2) Establish Community Buzz
Once you take care of ‘1’, it’s time to start spreading the word.
Press releases, on-site appearances and referral networking have always been the 3 that were most efficient for me.
Are you doing those now??
Are you aware of what they are and how they work??
3) Registration Collection
Parents want a quick and easy way to register (and pay) for their kids summer programs.
Are you equipped for that?
Is it offline registration? On-line?
Will some parents walk away from your summer camp and go with Plan B because your registration process wasn’t simple enough for them?
4) Conversion Process
Once you have a new young client enrolled, do you have a system for making sure they will sign-on to your long-term, non-summer program?
How do you convert a ‘Summer Camper’ into a ‘Long-Term Client’?
It takes a system… Do you have one??
For the record, you will be leaving THOUSANDS of dollars on the table if you by-pass Step 4.
5) Funnel
How will you stay in contact with your summer camper once the program is done?
Do you have a system in place to stay in communication with them and their parents if they didn’t convert to full-time clients right after the summer program was finished?
This is perhaps the greatest mistake of the 5.
In order to maximize, you have to be ready.
You must get things moving now and have systems in place to generate the kind of productivity that every summer promises.
Do yourself a favor and listen to this complementary audio:
Your Youth Fitness Summer Success Plan
Pat Rigsby and myself spend 45 minutes telling you exactly what you need to know in order to make this summer your most productive and profitable yet —>
Time is running out… The kids will be out of school soon:
Click Here Now for our ‘No Charge’ Audio —>
Be well,
Brian, you’ve nailed it. Comprehensive preparation is crucial to ensuring a training camp’s success. On the other hand, cutting corners guarantees no repeat clients, loss of potential revenue, and a negative reputation. Thanks for the insight.
Rick Kaselj
[…] 2. Don’t train every day. 3-4 days a week is sufficient. Your (developmental) sprinters need the break from training. You don’t want them to show up in the fall feeling like they’re already tired because they trained too much all summer.Summer youth Training […]