
The Training Template Secret


It’s great to watch a video or DVD and see what a quality training session is supposed to look like.


I always enjoy having exercise photographs at my fingertips with a visual representation of what each rep should look like along the way.


I also adore being able to read key information about what the Coach or Trainer was thinking when they designed a particular training program, or what philosophies and concepts they feel are important with respect to Speed, Strength, Coordination, Mobility, Flexibility and Injury Prevention.


And I especially love being given ‘sample programs’.


A literal “here, just do this because it works” roadmap for success.


You get that and every ounce of the information mentioned above inside my ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system.


But do you know what my favorite part is?



The fact that I took the time to create and develop a Training Template for you.


Video, photographs and sample programs show you ‘HOW’.


Written insight tells you ‘WHY’.


But Templates allow you freedom.


The situations I had when I created the ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system may not be what you experience day-to-day.


Maybe I had less equipment, but more space.


Maybe you have smaller groups, but more diverse ages.


Maybe I had a larger staff than you.


But with ‘Complete Athlete Development’ it absolutely doesn’t matter.


The Training Templates were designed so you can ‘mix-n-match’.


Train in a buffet or a-la-carte manner, but STILL use the exact same principles that proved incredibly successful for more than 20,000 young athletes worldwide.


And that freedom is my favorite part of ‘Complete Athlete Development’.


A 100% surefire training system that is guaranteed to work no matter what your situation is.

Complete AThlete Development

I designed it that way…. And now you get to enjoy the benefits.


Click Below Right Now:


—> Click Here Right Now



Have a great weekend!


– Brian



P.S. Need more information on ‘Complete Athlete Development’?


No problem!  Just click here —> http://completeathletedevelopment.com/cad/digital



One Response

  1. Jason says:

    This is definately at the top of my list to acquire in the New Year. I would have gotten it sooner but had already purchased YFS-1,2 and 3, as well as the Kineseology Crash Course and A-Z business workshop. Finished YFS 1 and 2, i really liked them as they approached things differently than I have seen before. I would have done a few things differently but overall I’m a BIG fan so far. Crash Course has been a big help. Haven’t started A-Z yet mainly because I just purchased the Fit Pro stuff by Rigsby. It’s funny because a lot of the stuff I already new but for someone reason just didn’t connect the dots or just needed to be reminded again. One of the first things he mentioned on the first video is going to simplify our business tremendously as well as improve the bottom line. Hadn’t heard of IYCA until a few months ago, but so glad I jotted their info down. Thanks Guys and Happy Holidays!

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