
Archive for “Pat On The Back” Tag

Kids Coaching: Memories – Part 2




Kids Coaching is so Rewarding

Robert was a born leader.


Not the most gifted athlete in the world.


Not the strongest kid in the weight room.


And certainly not the fastest guy on the field.


But he was captain of the #2 ranked high school football team
in Illinois and a three year varsity starter for one reason….


He elevated the work ethic of his teammates.


And he did so without words.


Robert just flat-out worked hard.


Every play.


Every down.


Every moment in practice and games.


And when you’re around a guy like that, it’s hard not to look in the
mirror and want to work harder yourself.


I’ll go on record as saying that the two consecutive trips we made as
a team to the state quarterfinals were due in large part to Robert.


Four starting offensive players went on to Division One football
scholarships after there senior seasons.


Five more from the defensive side of the ball.


Truly, this team was talent personified.


But Robert, the undersized and under skilled offensive lineman was
the real cog and catalyst.


Now, you may be assuming that what I learned from him was something
to do within the realm of "leadership" or "work ethic".


But that’s not what Robert taught me.


What he did offer as a valuable lesson however, was the power of
knowing what NOT to say.


Team Captain.


Undeniable Leader.


"The Man" in the locker room and on the field.


And barely a word ever came out of him.


It’s the pat on the back he would give his running back for making a
great cut and springing a 40 yard run.


The look he would give another offensive lineman if he didn’t feel as
though their block was as aggressive or complete as it could have been
on the last play.

