
Archive for “Musical Tunes” Tag

Outside The Box Youth Coaching




Youth Coaching Strategies

Through both my articles and seminar series, I discuss the Art of youth Coaching quite frequently.


The Art of Coaching infers that it is not what you know as a coach that matters.


It’s how you can relay it to young athletes.


This is a common concern I see especially with younger coaches just out of college and still looking to impress people with there high intellect and advanced vocabulary. In fact, out industry is littered with coaches who talk a great game, seek out as much PR and notoriety as they can, but don’t truly have any degree of experience or ability when it comes to effectively applying training strategies to athletes in unique and varying settings.


In that, I want to discuss today a youth coaching strategy that I have used that truly enables young athletes to master a given technique.


Rewrite Strategies


If you have ever been driving in a car with a small group of teenagers and had a familiar song come on the radio, you have already experienced in practicality the essence of a rewrite strategy.

