
Speed Training for Youth


Body Awareness


Movement Exploration


Technical Layering (aka Letter Tracing: A – D)


Does your Speed Training for Youth 6 – 9 year old kids’ look or sound like that?


Is there such a thing as ‘Speed Training’ for this age group?


Watch this video and see…


Are you doing things right?


Should you be doing anything at all for ‘Speed’ with this age group?




This and much more on ‘Speed & Agility Training’ can be found in the incredibly popular program: COMPLETE ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT


Click Here to See More —> http://CompleteAthleteDevelopment.com


– Brian

Speed Training for Youth

9 Responses

  1. Jaco says:

    Excellent. Question from me can I do Youth Fitness level 1,2 and 3 together.
    I am a youth coach in South Africa

  2. Smithjam says:

    Love this!
    I have a class of 2nd – 5th graders that started as speed/agility and now the last half of class is dodge ball. They learn so much from playing games.
    thanks for sharing!

  3. JAMES HILL says:

    great ideas

  4. admin says:

    Hi Jaco,

    You can purchase the certifications whenever you would like, however, you cannot attempt the YFS2 exam until you have successfully completed YFS1, nor can you take the YFS3 exam before completing YFS2.

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by IYCA, Competitive Gaines. Competitive Gaines said: RT @IYCA: Speed Training for Youth http://iyca.org/dev/speed-training-for-youth/ http://fb.me/U58MpMiI […]

  6. Roy Alfonso says:

    Great examples of work for that age group,

  7. Awesome stuff!! Can you explain how the letter tracing game works? Sounds like a great drill.


  8. Dave Gleason says:


    There are many versions of this activity. The one I speak of hear is:
    Have your athletes stand in an athletic stance. Have them trace letters with one hand over the as big as they can. Have them pretend that the bottom of the “paper” is the floor and the top of the letter is as high as they can reach. Make sense?

    There is no right or wrong hear. The goal, in most cases, is active ROM, body awareness and movement exploration.


  9. James says:

    Fantastic (Fun, Fitness, and Fundamentals) all in one package!

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