How Important is Proper Technique For Youth Sports Training?
The IYCA forces you to think about your answer!
Watch this video to learn how to get the most out of your youth sports training programs and ensure that your young athletes are able to reach their full potential.
If you want to learn more about training young athletes and improving your youth sports training programs make sure you check out the IYCA’s Youth Fitness Specialist Certification.
That was a waste of my time. Did not teach me about proper technique.
This is exactly the reason why i purchased the YFS 1-3 materials. Fantastic post!
Two thumbs up. The exact reason I became a member years ago. Great post. Thanks fellas
I agree with what you had to say.
I have been coaching for over 10yrs and through my experience I have seen the exact same thing with my athletes. With each training session there may be a need to adjust that session for that athlete, you have to be prepared to do that, so yes a cookie-cutter program is of no use.
I just became YFS level 1 certified just last week, to add this to my resume.
I have been following IYCA for years just to see where you were going and I like it so keep up the good work.
I vehemently disagree! Fundamental fact is that verbal AND most importantly VISUAL cues stay longer with a student. Show
Me.. I think I know as a medical student teacher.
Retired MD
I agree with david kamalani and edgar kourany.
and I found the attached video very disappointing and insulting.
the topic of the email I received is misleading. I expected something discussing proper technique.
instead, it was someone talking about how kids are different and have to be approach differently.
we’re all different. each of us, regardless of age and development, have different abilities, skill levels, etc. each of us have their good days and bad days.
but what does that have to do with performing an exercise properly?
what I expected to hear was something to the effect: “you do it correctly or you don’t get the full benefits and possibly get hurt now or in the future.”
Fantastic post. I have been coaching kids for less than a year and they are tricky little beasts compared to adults. This video was oddly comforting.