My youth fitness question to you last Friday certainly created a stir.
The IYCA Blog was literally LIT UP by passionate professionals worldwide,
all of whom chimed in with there thoughts to my query –
"What is the biggest problem in youth fitness and sport training?"
The responses were intelligent, articulate and clearly came from people who
have incredible fervor for this topic.
One of my favorite posts came from a good friend of mine.
Someone whose knowledge on the subject is truly amazing. I have enjoyed
learning from her since our first correspondence back in 2005.
Leigh Ashton is the former Director for the Long-Term Athlete Development
Program at the Millennium Institute in New Zealand and has recently opened
that country’s very first youth training center with her husband, Gareth, a man
whose intellect and passion for doing things "right" rivals Leigh’s.
Here’s what she had to say –
"This is a great thread and shows that:
A) there are many common issues worldwide with youth sports and fitness training
B) Brian and the IYCA are doing a fantastic job at calling these issues to our
I think the next issue for all of us commenting here is what we are going to do
about it? My husband and I have been friends of Brian’s since 2005 and have
just opened New Zealand’s first youth-only fitness centre.
The issue we feel strongly about (in addition to those outlined above) is for
those of us who have this knowledge to go beyond just talking about the issues
and have the courage to take action!!"
That last paragraph is as succinct and perfectly worded a message as I could
have hoped for when I asked my question last week.
Let’s stop talking about this issue.
Let’s fix it.
Let’s stop being passionate in "spurts" and then falling back into our old or
habits the rest of the time.
Revolutions require consistency, perseverance and strength.
Changing the world and the fortunes of children everywhere will require
commitment and effort.
Success isn’t easy.
If it was, everyone would experience it.
But the reason most DON’T experience the success they truly want is because
they run between "hot and cold" with respect to their desire for something.
They have short peaks of inspiration, often followed by long valleys of complacency.
Although not a perfectly oiled machine just yet, the IYCA Corporate Offices
are constantly alive and buzzing with a passion to create change.
Lasting change for kids who experience overweight and obese issues.
Real education for the Parents, Coaches and Trainers who work with young athletes.
A defining and resolute voice that provides direction and clarity for those professionals
working hard to secure a financially viable and rewarding career in this industry.
Stagnation is the enemy of growth and change.
Are you currently Level 1 certified?
If so, have you made the strong decision to become Level 2 certified as well?
If not, why not?
Have you been reading my newsletters, the IYCA Blog and watching our videos
for weeks or months now and still not yet made the decision to act and become
part of our youth fitness international family?
If not, why not?
Feel the winds of change, my friend.
The IYCA is gaining momentum and creating change at a rate that is literally
taking the fitness and sport training industry by storm.
It’s time for you to get moving and either become part of this revolution or more
involved in it.
After all…..
Doesn’t the next generation deserve our very best efforts?
Thank you, Leigh, for that critically important reminder.
‘Till next time,
Become a Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist now: http://www.iyca.org/fitspecialist1
Become a Level 2 – Youth Fitness Specialist now: http://www.iyca.org/yfs2
Hello Brian, I just took the level 1 yfs exam, and once I find out how I did I am going to study and take level 2. I just hope you will have level 3 and level 4 ready to take once I pass level 2. I am very passionate about changing the way we train our youth, especially athletic developement. I need an oraganization like the IYCA in my corner backing me up when I talk to the local coaches and parents of the athletes in the Charlotte, NC. area. I can’t wait to be part of the team, and plan to keep educating myself, and people around me on how important it is to create a functionally, healthy, balanced young athletes.