24 Hours Left!
The IYCA’s ‘Back-To-School‘ Week Sale is Done Tomorrow at 9pm (EST)
Click Here Now to Save BIG —-> https://iyca.org/blowout-sale/
Here’s some more food-for-thought…
… And why taking advantage of my ‘Back-To-School’ week sale is something you shouldn’t miss out on…
As with any young industry, the opportunities for Personal Trainers within the world of Fitness and Sport continue to evolve and broaden. Consumer trends and demands from the marketplace have brought about changes, to name a few, in client-trainer ratios (one-on-one versus small group), billing (pay-per-session versus monthly retainers) and even session location (health clubs versus outdoor Boot Camps).
But what has become a rather unexpected evolution is the advent of an entirely new demographic.
According to MSNBC.com, roughly one millions children and teenagers hired the services of a Personal Trainer in 2006. The Wall Street Journal reported in their November 2004 edition, that as much as $4 billion is spent every year, in the United States alone, on personalized training and coaching for kids.
This new demographic is likely due to a confluence of events that has seen market demand for youth-based services soar industry wide. According to the American Obesity Association, more than 30% of children and teenagers in the United States are considered overweight or obese. Those numbers rival worldwide trends.
Additionally, as the need for increased fitness has ballooned at the youth level considerably over the past two decades, school-based physical education – once considered a mainstay and necessity for proper holistic development – has been sharply cut by School Boards worldwide.
The result has been a staggering plea from the marketplace for private practice facilities and programs that cater to the needs of children and teenagers with respect to proper and developmentally-sound fitness.
Click Here Now to Save —-> https://iyca.org/blowout-sale/
– Brian
Curious if you can shed some light on at what age it is safe and beneficial for children/youth to begin weight training?