Children’s fitness is what your missing
Without pulling punches or beating around the bush, I’m going to
give you a straight look at something today.
Why you need to become a Youth Fitness Specialist through
the IYCA.
Do yourself a favor and read this entire post – it’s short, succinct
and very much to the point.
But the impact it could have on your career is tremendous.
Reason # 1 – Belong to Something Bigger
As a Fitness Professional and Coach, your career is very much an
isolated one.
Yes you have your clients and certainly you have some colleagues,
but what kind of professional support and daily inspiration do you
The hours can be very long and the pay often insignificant.
What keeps you going and motivated?
Taking on yet another client who wants to drop a ‘few pounds’ or
look ‘better in a bathing suit’ just can’t stimulate you forever.
That’s one of the primary reasons this industry has such a high
turn over rate – Fitness Professionals either burnout quickly or
end up losing motivation all together and opt of move on.
Imagine instead feeling like this everyday –
"I am honored to be a part of such an AWESOME organization!
To walk into the Summit and to be in the room with over 200 like
minded, passionate individuals who care about youth fitness is
beyond words. The IYCA is a global family and one I am proud to
be a part of. I cherish each and every family member that I met
and look forward to learning and sharing from all in our family"
** Written by IYCA Member Lisa Aguilera after attending our recent
International Summit.
Reason # 2 – Make a REAL Impact on Humanity
Sound corny?
Maybe even impossible?
That’s what IYCA Members are doing.
In fact, they’re doing it right now.
Changing a generation forever.
Helping overweight kids find their self-esteem and live a life of wonder.
Working with young athletes to create a sporting culture that is
developmentally-sound and invigorating.
IYCA Professionals are changing the face of humanity forever and
have more passion than any other single group of people in our
Want proof?
"I’ve been to a number of different conferences/workshops/seminars
etc on training and the business of training over the past few years.
You leave some of them feeling as though your money was well
spent and you walk away with a few good ideas in your head. To
say the IYCA Summit was a completely different experience is a
great understatement. Although I get to work with some of these
great folks on a regular basis, I left the Summit in some huge state
of awe. Another word that comes to mind is passion, there was more
passion in that room than I have ever seen or felt at any other event,
which to me means it’s real, and it’s desirable. I left the weekend with
more thoughts, plans, ideas, and ways I would implement them then
I ever knew existed"
** Written by IYCA Member Pamela MacElree after attending our recent
International Summit.
Reason # 3 – Create a Fulfilling & Profitable Career
I could write a lot about this one, but think it would be better for you
to hear it from someone else.
King Hoover is a fitness industry icon.
Decorated Personal Trainer.
Radio Show host.
28+ years in the trenches.
Listen to what he has to say about the IYCA.
And then decide for yourself if the IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness
Specialist certification is something you should take seriously.
Just click on the link below and watch King Hoover tell you his
thoughts on children’s fitness–
1) Belong to Something Bigger
2) Make a Real Impact on Humanity
3) Create a Fulfilling & Profitable Career
My 3 reasons are worth a strong consideration.
Here’s that link one more time –
‘Till next time,