
"State of the Youth Fitness Industry" – A Must See…


I was honored to be asked to present at one of the most important and telling youth fitness events in recent memory.


And this was as exclusive an event as I have ever seen.


170+ INVITED guests representing the largest and most influential health clubs and fitness organizations in the world.


And I had a literal ‘birds eye view’ of the entire proceedings.


I was one of only fifteen of the most esteemed and highly decorated fitness professionals to give their thoughts as to where this industry is headed.


And I was absolutely blown away by what I heard.


Dumb founded really – because I realized that I was on the ‘right track’ in terms of the Youth Fitness industry’s future.


But are you?


If you plan to be involved in the fitness and sport training industry for any length of time then you need to hear what was said at this conference.


This video is a re-count of what I heard and saw.


The industry is changing and I wanted to give you a private heads up so you don’t get left behind.



Now if you are TRULY serious about your career and being on the forefront of where this industry is going then read this next portion very carefully…


I have created an action plan for you.


You just heard all the new revelations as to where the industry leaders feel they want to take us.


You can spend weeks or even months reacting to the information and trying to formulate a game plan…or you can just listen to me tell you EXACTLY what you need to do next.


The fastest growing industry in the entire world is set to go through an unprecedented revolution…


And this is your ‘ticket’ to make sure you stay ahead of the curve and on the cutting-edge of the market.


Leave your email and name for me in the box below and tomorrow I will email you a complete and utter road map for what you have to do next…


22 Responses

  1. FitDad says:

    Great stuff Brian!!!!

    Exactly what our industry needs.

  2. jayne says:

    i have been a trainer since 1984. as an industry, we have become so hung up on the science, that we have forgotten the person…so you talking about the relationship as a new idea… cracks me up, because the relationship is where it all comes from and that is the first thing i establish…i’m glad that we are finally seeing the personal in personal training…

  3. Jim Labadie says:

    The health of the World isn’t exactly where we want it to be right now.

    That’s for certain.

    But the great news is – to me anyway – the fact we’re starting to have serious discussions about what it is really going to take to change things.

    And I mean SERIOUSLY change things.

    Others are starting to see just how important human emotions, beliefs and relationships are to the process of helping our clients and customers make the changes necessary to turn things around.

  4. Dave DiFabio says:

    It’s all about the psychology of physical activity. That’s where you can really initiate “change” and then make it stick. I agree with Jayne, it’s nothing new. Smart coaches have always understood it. We have to get everyone else to catch on. There’s lots of great info out there, you just know where to look. At every annual meeting of ACSM you’ll hear lectures on physical activity and cognition, and stress, and self-efficacy, and the HPA Axis, etc. Check out this organization. They get it. http://www.naspspa.org/

  5. Kenneth says:

    This is good news and I totally agree, we must learn our clients in order to fulfill the needs of the client. My motto and saying is “You Must Get Your Body, Mind and Spirit UNDER CONSTRUCTION…One Body at a Time!” This is without saying, most people are out of whack and don’t have a clue.

    I try my best to get into my clients head to find out what happened and how can I best help each client reach his/her goal and change their life for ever. Just the other day one of my clients told me that I save her life…I asked her how?

    Here’s what she said … “I was going to this perticular gym for about 3 years and never got any results, which made me depressed and sad. So I did what I do best and that is eat and sleep, and eat some more! But when I came to you Kenny my whole way of thinking started to change. I eat healthier, eat when I’m supposed to eat and exercise more. I feel so much better and I feel like life is worth living again. You tell me ever time I’m finished my training session to “EAT RIGHT, KEEP IT TIGHT, GET FIT FOR LIFE AND HAVE A SALAD TONIGHT!”

    “That stays in my mind and it keeps me on my toes.”

  6. Greg says:

    Everything old is new again…successful trainers have known the importance of developing relationships with their clients for years and it’s nice to see the “personal” come back to personal training. I opened Kansas City’s first personal fitness training center in 1986 and haven’t (personally) taken a new client since 1994. I’m not saying that to brag, but rather to stress the importance of being more than a “counter of repetitions”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not downplaying the importance of education, I have a master’s degree in exercise science myself. But, as important as education is…it’s just as important to get inside your client’s head and understand their motivations.

  7. Chris Scarborough says:


    You know I got out of the “internet stuff” because I missed the relationships I had training “real athletes” not the digital version therof.

    I appreciate all you do for youth athletics.

    Your friend,

    Chris Scarborough

  8. BrianGrasso says:

    All of your comments are wonderful and very appreciated!

    Thank you sincerely for taking the time to both watch the video and write your thoughts on the matter.

    I agree totally… This is NOT a new concept.

    13 years working with young athletes in several different countries and I have been successful each and every place I have gone BECAUSE of my coaching style (which is relationship oriented).

    HOWEVER… The ‘new’ factor is that BIG TIME health clubs are starting to understand as well and a whole dimension of opportunities are going to start opening because of it.

    The video and subsequent audio I created are intended to tell you where the industry is headed and how you should act now to stay on top of it all.

    Look at it this way…

    McDonald’s has never provided ‘personalized’ customer service. Their angle was to make sure that your cheeseburger was the exact same no matter where in the world you ordered it.

    And with that service orientation, they have become a literal icon in the post Industrial era.

    But can you imagine combining that kind of service offering WITH a personal touch?

    Where your experience is ALWAYS the same and the attention you get is ALWAYS top notch.

    THAT is the new wave of the industry.

    Any thoughts on who is doing that right now???


    And we don’t need to hash out how successful they have been.

    Remember the video had two portions to it.

    One was about relational mindsets.

    But the other… which no one has mentioned yet… is the need to niche yourself to a demographic.

    Equally as important… maybe more so.

    Be sure to listen to the audio I provided as well…

    Thanks again!


  9. Heather says:

    This is so interesting….I used to work as a trainer for a big chain of fitness clubs and I left because at the end of the day it was only about the dollar and not about the lives that were being changed. I have been on my own training for a year now and have maintained all of my clients because the relationships were built over time and my clients know that I really do love them inside out. They are the most committed clients ever! Relationships are definitely where everyone’s focus will be. If your business is truly about people and relationships then the money will follow. That’s just an added bonus to the blessings these relationships bring!

  10. Chris Davis "First Step Speed Academy" says:

    I have said this for years, living here in the state of Florida specialized sports training for youth sports is a “baby” of an industry but one that the market is busting at the seems. Understanding your athlete, who they are and what they want to accomplish puts a coach/trainer so far ahead of the game when desinging a program to fit the athlete. LOVE YOUR SPORT, LOVE TO TRAIN, LOVE TO WIN.

    First Step Speed Academy

  11. Kenneth Reed says:

    Hey Brian, I listened to the 2nd audio and I understand what you said about about “Branding Yourself” I train mostley Baby Boomers, but I also have younger clients. So how do you change to only Baby Boomers when others want your service?

    Kenneth Reed – Fit For Life Personal Training


  12. Angelo Hunter says:

    Hey guys,
    With all the negative in the world it’s nice to see and hear that making a difference in today’s youth through fitness activities/sport can actually give them something of

    It’s great to see the involvement of caring professionals! I’m glad to have jumped on board and I’m looking forward to the experience and growth of the IYCA.

    Angelo Hunter

    Allied Training Professionals LLC
    Hunter Fitness

  13. Michael Huxford says:

    As an athletic trainer at a children’s hospital I cannot begin to tell you how many athletes (i.e. patients) I see that have been trained and coached improperly. I am floored by the growing number of overuse injuries that I am seeing. I am so happy to hear that the fitness industry is beginning to understand that kids are not just “little adults” and that developing relationships with younger generations is the way to go.

    Thanks for the update Brian. Great news.


  14. Dave T. says:

    Just getting into the youth fitness arena, but urge those viewing to research the afterschool programs in their communities and the possibilities of implementing a strictly, fitness and or sport movement training program to oppose the common afterschool program addendum.
    Push a full-family involvement in fitness and you will increase your value as a consultant and trainer, because the performance and appearance of the kids do mimic the desire and involvement of the parents.

  15. Bryan says:

    Up until about a year ago, I worked at a large chain sports performance training facility. During staff meetings they would say to the group that “it’s not about making friends, it’s about teaching.” My response was out loud saying that my athletes work hard because they know I care. I care about their goals and my name is now connected to them. If they were to go get injured, my training methods should, rightfully, be questioned. After a while with these disagreements, I’d had enough. My ethics for what I do were being compromised so I left. I am happier now, though I have no real facility and only a few athletes. I’m working on putting together my own facility because I know that I cannot work at facilities like that one and I can do better.

    During the grand opening of the facility I worked at the founder asked us what our main goal was at this facility. I said it should be to help athletes improve. He told me I was wrong. It was to make money, because this is a business first. I just shook my head. I should have known then that my time there would end the way it did. If you focus on the client, the money will come. Your results should speak for you and your business.

    I feel actualized by watching this video. Knowing that I have been on the correct trail all along. Niche based and client goal oriented has been my way of thinking and what I plan on implementing in my place.

  16. Bryan says:

    Bye the way, thanks for the post, BG.

  17. Michelle Johnson says:

    Hello Wow what a fantastic article about Little Gym! Your keen insight into Little Gym is informative and creative. I look forward to reading other articles you have. Thanks.

  18. Chris Martin says:

    Hey!Every other blog I have read about Fitness Program, has been lacking in information. Your insight into Fitness Program is sooooo much better than anything else I have read. Thanks Chris.

  19. Payday Loan says:

    Payday Loan…

  20. Elli says:


    What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind….

  21. Neal dakmak says:

    HeyBrian I know this post is old but i know I’m at the right place by starting at the first post on this website. I plan to be a part of IYCA for a while and I’ve planned on attending the seminar this June along with attaining the high school strength coach cert.

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