As with anything, the degree to which you can successfully build upwards is solely determined by the strength, depth and solidification of your foundation…
This leads me to my first metaphor…
Don’t Rush Grade 2
The school year has been created based on an understanding that the curriculum needing to be presented to students will take ‘x’ amount of time to teach properly.
If you were to take all the lessons and education contained in a standard Grade 2 school year and condense it down to 6-weeks worth of schooling, you would find that students did not understand, comprehend or retain virtually any of the material.
They would be overwhelmed and simply unable to ascend to higher levels of education successfully without this base building block of knowledge.
You Can’t Study Just Mathematics
Even if an 8-year-old child excelled and loved everything about math, you wouldn’t restrict them from learning the material offered in other subjects.
Removing basic curriculum such as Language, Science and Music would severely handicap that student from a developmental learning perspective.
General knowledge is a critically important element for children to be exposed to and learn at a young age. It sets the foundation for thinking process, problem solving and even study habits.
Moreover, to eventually specialize and excel in one particular area of study, a broad and far reaching understanding of all academic subjects is necessary.
When solving an involved mathematical equation for instance, the truly successful will pull from all their past experiences and resources in order to determine the appropriate answer.
‘Pigeonholing’ or relying on one specific area of expertise is a practice that seldom proves successful.
School is Progressive for a Reason
A student couldn’t understand advanced literature unless they were taught to read.
They couldn’t solve difficult mathematic problems with a basic foundation of knowing how to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
A Master’s Degree in Science couldn’t be obtained without first being exposed to the basic elements of biology, physics and chemistry taught in high school.
Elementary through High School is a progressive building block of knowledge gaining that allows an individual to eventually specify and excel in a single area of study.
Miss any of the steps leading up to that climax however, and your success rate will plummet.
2011 will mark a MASSIVE upswing in the market for training young people ($4 billion are already spent every year by this demographic… But all accounts suggest this number will increase).
Take action now and get ready for the 2011 explosion:
Click Here and Get Ready for 2011 —>
– Brian