Youth Sports Training Tips
Most professional Trainers, be them Fitness Gurus or Sports Performance Experts, may not ever take the time to realize that much of what we hold true and dear in our pursuits of enhancing both the health and ability of young athletes, also translates to the world of business and life as well.
Perhaps this lack of ‘connecting-the-dots’ between the two is more than just something that has been overlooked – it’s because the values on which we pride our work with young athletes is far too limited in scope to be accurate.
Let me explain that.
Our industry holds strong to the notion that short-term, ‘work ’em hard’ training situations that involve high intensity on everything and a slow, methodical infusion of skill on nothing, is what best serves young clients in their need to get better (faster, stronger etc) now.
But how often does this gun-slinging approach to life or business prove successful? And can we take lessons from that as it relates to developing young athletes in Youth Sports Training?
How many times do we become handicapped by vein, unplanned and quick attempts to overhaul our businesses or restructure our lives in short periods of time?
Think about it. How many New Year’s Eve goals for the impending year have you set (be them business or life alterations) only to find yourself exactly where you were in November come March?
Here’s another one for you.
Have you ever crammed for a test or exam?
You know what I mean… Stayed up virtually all night to study for an 8am exam in a subject that you barely even did any homework for during the course of the semester?
Ya… You can put your hands down now – we’ve all done it!
I’d be willing to bet that you often got great grades using this ‘the night before’ method of studying. Perhaps several ‘A’ report cards were based on study habits just like this? I’ll be honest, this is pretty much how I got through college – and I graduated with top honors!
My point is that the end doesn’t always justify the means.
You can get an ‘A’ report card by doing solid and consistent work over the semester, or you can get an ‘A’ by following ‘the night before’ method of studying. The end result is the same, but the fallout post-exam is much different. I’ll go into details a little later.
Having said all that, I wanted to show you how success in Life or Business can be obtained by following 2 basic, but critical components of long-term athlete development training protocol.
Lesson #1
It’s Not About the Outcome… It’s About the Process
In our fortunate cookie society, we have become very connected to quick-witted quotes from famous people of yesteryear and soothsaying advice from those we hold collectively as esteemed.
But very often, if you’re prepared to dig a little deeper, you’ll find that the one sentence quote or word of wisdom lacks a true definition unless you take the entire thought into perspective.
Lincoln, Churchill, Keller and even Yoda are amazing examples of wonderful souls who have graced us with single-serving remarks that we take as profound and words to live by. But in every case, the context of what they meant and why they said it dramatically changes when we read their entire biographies or journals and not just the most famous lines they penned.
I say that because we are all familiar with such wonderful metaphorical phrases, poems and song lyrics as:
“Life’s a journey, not a destination”
“You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb”
“The journey is the reward”
“Slow and steady wins the race”
But, and let me be frank here, how often do you actually take this advice?
Are you content with developing a 3, 4 or 5 year plan and able to remain focused on it as the hours, days and months of the path labor on?
Do you even know how to create such a long-term plan?
Again, I point to the fact that we all know and can recite, verbatim, what the prognosticators of success tell us, but without context of what they meant or how to do it, does any of it really amount to anything in our lives?
Enter the world of Youth Sports Training.
“6-weeks to a 6-inch vertical jump increase”
“Faster 40 in 4 weeks”
“Increase bench and squat in 1 month”
We’ve all broadcast training programs like this.
And if we haven’t advertised using these sorts of words, we’ve most certainly implied the like by selling parents and sports coaches on training programs that are short-term in nature.
Now, although your ‘Super-Secret-System’ for training is top-notch, world-class and unlike anything anyone has ever seen before (and naturally the reason why so many of your young athletes show test/re-test improvements), let me share with you the two realities that we must face, but may be missing:
The Human Organism is Designed to Adapt
Bubble-bursting as this may be, the human body has been created to adapt to the stimulus its presented. In short, you ask a body to jump, it becomes better at jumping.
Same is true for squatting, running, bench pressing or throwing stuff.
Yes, eventually you reach a critical mass and the improvements or gains begin to tail off until a more specific and technically-sound stimulus is presented, but with young athletes (due to their age) everything works.
Everything; Olympic Lifting, Power Lifting, Cross-Fit, Circuit-Training, Plyometrics…
Name it.
It all works in varying degrees. That’s the very nature of being young.
Kids get better as a matter of applied demand and therefore there is no such thing as “we test every 6 weeks to make sure the program is working”…. It’s going to work. There is nothing rocket science about that.
Thus, the need for a long-term approach that doesn’t just pretend to preach the virtues of, but actually embraces the notion of “The Journey is More Important than the Outcome”.
It’s not so much where your business or life is now; it’s where you want it to be.
And nothing of merit ever happens in a day or overnight.
Same holds true for developing young athletes. Think long-term and where they need to be in time and what it’s going to take to get them there – you may be very surprised how much you take the foot off the gas pedal when keeping this context in mind.
Check back tomorrow for Part 2…
– Brian
The IYCA is the fastest growing organization in the entire fitness industry for a reason…
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P.S. – REVOLUTIONS always grow quickly…
This is a great post. As a more mature coach, I see how much the focus on instantaneous results hurts our athletes both physically and mentally and emotionally. I work with youth swimmers and the common thread is over training for distance and not focussing on quality. Therefore, the swimmers break down physically shoulders and backs mostly. In our business right now there is too much emphasis on instant results. I just had a high school football player come to me with a pulls quad due to poor warm-up and flexibility training. In one session or targeted quality stretching I had him back on the field with no pain. As you said too much emphasis on the results and not enough on the journey.
Great content in this article.
A piece of advice from someone who is ‘in the trenches’ of youth fitness and LTAD on a daily basis.
I will preface my remarks by reminding everyone that we have to meet people (parents, children) where they are and understand we are not going to change their paradigm(s) with our 60 second commercial as to why a 6 week program is NOT what is in their best interest.
A revolution involves education as a catalyst in changing how people think about a particular subject.
Our revolution is going to be realized based on the number of people we can expose to our training methods and concepts. two cents:
Offer 6 week programs, mini camps etc as a way to expose young athletes to your LTAD programs. I have made the mistake in the past of being too one sided here – never offering a shorter term program is a mistake.
A six week program that gives more young athletes the opportunity to see and feel what training correctly is. There are ways to convert these “6 weekers” into long term attendees of your core programming.
Get them in the door. Educate the athletes and parents. Reach more kids.
Go get em!
Great post B.G. Very wise and appropiate response D.G.
Very good points. In my experience, the athlete seeks what they think they need or what their coach has told them they need. Say they believe they have to get faster for next season. Their “journey” will have to be up until the next season. I usually don’t have enough time to do it all.
In this same example, that is to make the athlete faster,
flexibility might be a concern or strength even posture.
Any one of these should be addressed in your program but it takes away from the speed training.
Also, the athlete might not be in that sport at the end of the year. I’ve seen athlete’s give up on sports for music. Some have changed sports. Statistically, female drop off organized sports after the age of 15.
Gleason got the right idea. Let them try a movement science for 6-8 weeks and see if they want to get serious and commit to a “journey”.
Kids should try different movements, different sports until their minds and emotions mature enough to get serious about embarking on a journey that will benefit them the rest of their lives.
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