Discover the Secrets That Will Get Your Athletes to Perform Under Pressure, Show Up Big on Game Day, & Handle Pressure Like a Champ…
Develop mental toughness in all of your athletes with this simple system used by world-champion athletes to help them perform their best when everyone else crumbles under the pressure.
Dear Coach,
Have you ever had that athlete who seems to possess all the skills and talent in the world but just can’t seem to show up on game day?
For some reason, all the work and preparation you do in practice, in the weight room, and with your conditioning goes out the window when it comes time to perform.
If you work with athletes, you know exactly what I’m talking about!
On the other hand, there always seems to be that one athlete who is calm under pressure and shows up time and time again when the game is on the line.
Before now, I always thought you either had it or you didn’t.
Can you train mental toughness?
I didn’t think so until I discovered Dr. Haley Perlus and the work that she was doing with National, World, and Olympic Champions.
She has unlocked the secrets to helping athletes overcome their mental roadblocks and is allowing them to perform at their peak when it truly matters—game day!
If you coach athletes, either for their sport or in performance, you know how agonizing it is to watch an athlete fall apart during game time. You sit on the sidelines or in the stands feeling powerless.
You’ve prepped the athlete through practice, they’ve spent hours in the weight room developing strength and power, and you’ve worked for weeks developing their conditioning so they can outwork anyone.
But you missed one critical aspect of their training.
Developing their mental toughness!
But it’s not your fault. You’ve gone to school, taken certifications, and attended seminars on developing athletes, but you’ve never had the opportunity to learn how to impact an athlete’s mind.
To some coaches, building mental toughness includes things like depriving an athlete of water during practice or yelling and screaming at them to see if they crack.
It’s the “old school coach” approach to training, and since you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you know there is a better way. In fact, that’s a fundamental principle on which the International Youth Conditioning Association was founded: knowing there is a better way to develop young athletes than outdated and ineffective tough-guy coaching strategies.
How do you create champion minds the same way you do bodies?
With proper training!
There are two key factors that come into play when teaching an athlete to perform at their best when it matters most: Anxiety & Pressure.
With the right approach, you can teach athletes to harness the power of anxiety and pressure instead of letting these emotions overwhelm and negatively impact performance.
In fact, there are 4 key strategies that Dr. Perlus uses with all her athletes to help them be their best no what is going on around them:
- Want success more than you fear anything else
- Acknowledge each step in the process
- Commit to excellence, not perfection
- Control the controllables
This is the foundation of peak performance and mental toughness.
Dr. Perlus’s approach to mental toughness training doesn’t require a degree in psychology or an in-depth knowledge of how the brain works. Any coach can use her simple principles and methods to develop athletes who have the ability to shine during high-pressure situations.
Every athlete wants to be THE hero, and they have the potential.
But you have to unlock it!
Every athlete dreams of being able to hit the big shot when the game is on the line, crush a walk-off homer during the championship, or make the game-saving play when all eyes are on them.
If you’re anything like me (and I guarantee that your athletes are), you laid awake at night and spent countless hours in the driveway as a kid visualizing and playing out those situations.
It’s easy when you’re by yourself or with friends playing out those scenarios. You can hear the imaginary crowd roaring and your teammates cheering you on. But when it all becomes a reality, are your athletes prepared to step up and perform?
When you implement the IYCA Mental Toughness Course methods with your athletes, they’ll be ready!
You’ll have the secret behind coaches like Phil Jackson, John Wooden, and many others who always seem to get athletes to perform their best when it matters most.
Your competition won’t be able to keep up.
And if you only train athletes for performance as a strength coach, if you can teach your athletes how to perform under pressure, not only will you be a hero to them, but you will also have a unique skill that sports coaches will notice immediately when all of your athletes are producing game-winning shots, staying cool under pressure, and showing up big time on game day.
If you’re looking for a way to get into more high school or big time programs, this course will give you a huge edge over your competition.
These are skills that your athletes will be able to use long into their futures when they are competing for coveted jobs and trying to find success in their career. You’re not just giving them to tools to perform in the big game; you’re preparing them to do well in life!
This skill doesn’t take years to develop as do athleticism and athletic development, though—you can get immediate results with your athletes. In fact, many of Dr. Perlus’s clients will tell you that a few minutes with her going over these techniques will impact your performance in a big way.
“Dr. Perlus knows how to get results.
A few minutes with her can change your life!”
David T. Fagan – former CEO, Guerilla Marketing

Meet Your Coach
With a Ph.D. in Sport and Exercise Psychology; an M.S. in Sport Pedagogy (coaching behavior); numerous fitness, coaching, and nutrition certifications; and accolades as a former elite Alpine ski racer, Haley Perlus is an expert at empowering athletes of all types to achieve peak results. A professor at the University of Colorado, seminar leader at top sport and fitness conferences, consultant to National Team and Division-I scholarship athletes, IHRSA.org-appointed Industry Leader, and published author, Dr. Perlus motivates, educates, and inspires people to achieve personal best results. Translation? She’s here to help you and your athletes go all the way!
When you complete your IYCA Mental Toughness Course, you’ll discover:
- How to train your athletes to cope with pressure and anxiety so they can harness the power of their emotions for peak performance
- 4 strategies to help athletes perform at peak levels no matter what is going on around them, including in the worst circumstances
- Methods to instill confidence in your athletes so that they perform their best without the constant need for pep talks and “rah-rah” speeches
- How the best athletes in the world stay hungry for their next competition, and how to get your athletes to be more aggressive so they can outperform the competition
- Methods to help athletes overcome a disappointing performance and bounce back from a loss so they can get back on track
- Why your athletes are competing, and how to harness that motivation to get them to perform
- Strategies to keep your athletes from dropping out due to burnout or disappointment so you can impact more athletes and be the coach that they look up to for years to come
- How to create a climate of motivation so that you inspire great performance, not inhibit it
- Ways to overcome the fears your athletes face so they can overcome any obstacle
And much, much more!
Dr. Perlus impacts lives (and performance)

“When achieving your goals is paramount, mental strength and smart coaching with Dr. Perlus will significantly increase your chances”
Carolyn Lawrence World Ironman Amateur Triathlete & President of Women of Influence Inc.

“The mental toughness that Dr. Perlus has helped me to develop has been a huge contribution to my success. I don’t know what I would do without her guidance”
Katie Hartman University World Champion & NCAA Division 1 Scholarship Athlete

“There’s no one more qualified than Dr. Perlus to empower people with proven mental toughness tools to achieve peak results.“
Harley Pasternak, M.Sc. “The Today Show” nutrition expert, fitness trainer to celebrities, and best selling author of 5 Factor Diet

“Dr. Perlus’s mental toughness tools have become indispensable in my success toolbox. She delivers fast, easy mental toughness exercises that focus my effort and leave me feeling energized. Dr. Perlus gets my top recommendation.“
Capt. David Koons (Ret.) US Marine Special Operations

“In one session, Dr. Perlus gave me great techniques to combat my anxiety surrounding injury and performance. It’s been a game changer—big thank you!“
Annabel Blake Australian Freestyle Team

“As a former champion athlete herself, Dr. Perlus knows the exact sport psychology tools and strategies her athletes need to achieve their best!“
Jesse Fulton former Canadian Snowboard Olympian & Canadian Olympic SnowBoard Team Coach

“Dr. Perlus understands the ups and down of being an athlete and has always been there to help me celebrate the wins and move through the losses. With her help, not only am I a mentally tough athlete, but I also have developed skills that will take me anywhere I want to go in life. I trust Dr. Perlus, I look up to her, and I know she will always be there for me“
Jessica Luttrell NCAA Division-I Soccer Athlete
Are you THAT COACH for your athletes?
We’ve all had that coach in our lives at some point—the one who we still look up to and who had an impact on us so great that we remember them, and the lessons they taught us, for a lifetime.
Do you want to be that coach for your athletes?
This course can help you do it. You’re going to have the tools, skills, and knowledge to impact your athletes’ lives on a far deeper level than you would be able to by merely increasing their speed, making them stronger, and helping them succeed in their sport.
You’re going to be able to instill confidence and give them tools that will help them succeed throughout their lives. And you’re going to be able to do it while enhancing the skills you’re teaching your athletes at practice or in the weight room.
This is your opportunity to create the impact that I know you want to create with your athletes.
For a limited time, you can complete the IYCA Mental Toughness Course for just $99.95!
Why just $99.95?
It’s simple, actually: Dr. Perlus and the IYCA want to impact 1,000,000 athletes, and the best way for us to do that is to make sure you (the coaches) have the resources to do it.
We help athletes by educating and empowering coaches. We could have easily priced this course at over $500.00. An hour with Dr. Perlus for a consult would cost you in the range of $1000.00-$2000.00 alone.
If you look at other motivation and mindset courses available, they range from $300-$5,000, and most of them are just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo put together by people selling you motivation, not actual results.
Dr. Perlus is a highly trained and experienced coach who is working hands-on each day with people who require top-level results—World champs, Olympic Gold Medalists, and top-level CEO’s don’t leave their performance up to chance!
So it’s a steal (and that’s what we wanted) at just $99.95!
Here’s what you’ll get…

Module 1: Instilling Mental Toughness in Young Athletes
Discover the 4 key strategies to developing mental toughness with young athletes so that they can perform their best under pressure.
Module 2: How to Develop Perceived Competence in Youth Athletes
Dr. Perlus reveals 10 tactics and tools that will help your athletes build confidence, including:
- Mastery Experiences
- Act Confident
- Vicarious Experiences
- Imagery Experiences
- Preparation
- Social Support
- Environmental Comfort
- Verbal Permissions
- Affirmations
- Self-Talk
These are powerful resources you can use to create confident, high-performing athletes!
Module 3: How to Motivate for the Future
Accelerate your athletes’ success in mastering mental toughness by motivating them. Discover the 3 components of motivation and the equation for peak performance in young athletes.
Module 4: The Mental Side of Competition
This is where it all comes together. Exceling in competition is what separates the greats from everyone else. Teach your athletes how to thrive in competitive environments when Dr. Perlus reveals her secret tools to inspire greatness.
Plus, These Exclusive Bonuses…

BONUS #1: 3 Mental Toughness Case Studies: Lessons From The Trenches ($49.00 Value)
In this video Dr. Perlus gives you an inside look at 3 ways to help your athletes overcome their fears, create unshakeable confidence and inspire the motivation they need to conquer and overcome any obstacle.
These 3 case studies teach you valuable lessons that you’ll be able to apply to your own athletes immediately.
BONUS #2: Mental Toughness Workbook (Value $99.00)
Get all the tools and resources you need to ensure you are creating mentally tough athletes and applying your newfound knowledge.
Get Yours Today!
Just $99.95

This is a completely digital course; nothing physical will be shipped.
100% Guarantee to Position You as the Coach Who Produces Athletes Who Perform Under Pressure
Not only will I guarantee your satisfaction, as with everything we do at the IYCA, but I’m so confident that this is far and away the best mental-toughness and peak-performance resource for coaches that I guarantee you will be your area’s go-to coach for helping athletes perform under pressure.
If at any time in the next 365 days you don’t feel that the IYCA Mental Toughness Course has given you everything you need to develop athletes who perform under pressure and help you establish yourself as the go-to performance coach in your area, all you need to do is let me know, and we’ll give you every penny back.
This system works. I guarantee it. If for one minute you disagree, I’ll refund your entire investment. It’s that simple.
It’s time to step up your game
Every day, you ask your athletes to step up their game, to work hard to get a little better so they can perform. It’s time that you did the same for yourself and your athletes.
The IYCA Mental Toughness Course will give you the edge you need to develop athletes who will perform when it counts. You owe it to them to develop these skills and prepare yourself to help them become the best athletes possible.
Make the decision to become a coach who does more than teach the X’s & O’s or just helps athletes drop their 40 time. Be the coach who teaches them to perform and gives them the tools they need to win in life.
P.S. As a coach, you want to create the best athletes possible but also teach them valuable life lessons that they can use long after they stop competing. But you’ve never been taught how to help athletes be mentally tough.
That changes today!
You can make the choice: Either you can to keep doing the same ol’ things to create better athletes, or you give them the secret weapon that the best athletes in the world use to beat their competition.
When you start your IYCA Mental Toughness Course, you’ll immediately be able to start impacting your athletes and teaching them how to perform under pressure.
Remember, you have a full 365 days to test this out and make sure it works. We guarantee it’ll produce big results for you and your athletes. With the “no questions asked” guarantee, there’s NO WAY you can lose.